Thursday 23 February 2012


There is a really good article about the Quinta church in the Oswestry Advertiser.

Two days to go until the 150th anniversary. It will be a good day.

Sunday 19 February 2012

Radio Shropshire and young life

I was on Radio Shropshire this morning talking about the forthcoming 150th anniversary of the Quinta church. I thought it went well.

We also had Young Life with us at church this morning. They had a significant number of black people, chiefly boys. I must mention that to F

Thursday 16 February 2012

I am Gifted

I was at an MMM meeting last night and at one point people were putting on Post its words which they saw as their identity. Later they would be removed and others would put post its on us that denoted the identity they gave to us. I do not participate in things that involve writing like this, but I was very moved when Chris P put one on me that said "GIFTED". Coming from him, it is praise indeed.

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Answers to more prayer

While in a certain house last sunday, I had a look at childs book that told a story that I first heard on the radio in the middle last year. It concerns a missionary lady who looked after a baby and there was a need of a hot water bottle. She prayed for a one and a child joined her in prayer for that and also asked for a doll for the baby. This was not going to be very likely. A parcel arrived and it contained a hot water bottle. The child reached into the package and said, "If God sent the hot water bottle, he must have sent the dolly to." The child proceeded to pull out a doll. The package had been sent months before the prayer.

I also see some things coming my way that make me reflect on life and how God cares for me but life has not worked out the way I imagined, yet God answers prayer and I need to be open and looking for those answers even if they are not the ones that I expected.

Friday 10 February 2012

Looking ahead (Deer)

In devotions this morning we were told about a type of deer that can jump 10 feet high and 30 feet long, but when it is in an enclosure only 3 feet high it will not jump and escape because it cannot see where it will land. Perhaps we, even with our faith can be like that. We do not take risks because we cannot see where it will take us.

I feel like that now about F and about asking to study theology, but If they say yes, I am doing it. I need to see where it will go.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Listening to God

I hear a lot of messages these days about listening to God, and then they say that we are so busy and letting things get in the way that we are not hearing correctly, but I cannot see any biblical basis for this. Men in the bible had hard lives. They also did not just work five days a week and I presume they worked long hours and there was no health and safety exectutive. They did not have a problem listening to God, in fact they heard him all too clearly. They often however had a problem with being obedient.

I think nowadays we make sentimental excuses for our lack of faith. Jesus said that his sheep hear his voice. He did not say his sheep heard his voice is they were quiet or not to busy or getting into the right worship position. He took is for granted that they heard. In fact he said be not just hearers of the word, but do ers also. In other words, hearing was not a problem, but doing what it said was.

The real problem is rebelious hearts.

Monday 6 February 2012


I looked at LDMs site at the weekend and there was a bit called "Article of the week" I clicked on this expecting to see something new. Instead I saw an article I recognised instantly. "Why you should not Marry or date an unbeliever". I really believe the lord wants me to forward it to M. I came across this article about 30 years ago when it was newly written and I think there is a lot of wisdom in it


J turned up on Sunday. We met in the SS because of the cold. Pray that J gets sorted out and sees some sense

Last Friday

Last Friday I had an appraisal at which I raised the issue of distance learning in Theology, so I am praying about how that pans out as I want to do it and hope that it ushers in some positive change