Wednesday 23 November 2011

huge mistakes

I have looked at a couple of Ms emails. Sad. A few years ago, she was optimistic and confident, now her world has been ripped apart because she trusted someone who was not worthy of that trust. She did not want to see the gaping flaws in the man. I tried to warn her and now she has paid a very heavy penalty.

Even in our mature years, we can make some big mistakes. God expects us to use our minds and pay attention to things. I look back on a prayer evening in my sending church and at the end of the evening, a mature lady stood up and very excitedly told us that she was getting married. I had no knowledge of the man and it seemed to take everyone else by surprise. Her happiness was short lived and the marriage never took place. She had made assumtions about where they would live and he had a very different idea about that and I expect that there were other issues that I do not know about to this very day.

the minister told me later that he learned from that incident. I do not know what he learned, but looking back on it and also taking into consideration that I am getting older, I feel that I have learned from it now and that is, you should not assume that anyone is content in their present condition. ( I am not) and you should also know that even in mature years, our desires can drive us to doing what is not wise. If M had listened to me when I reminded her of the passage that says, "By their fruits shall ye know them" then perhaps, just perhaps she would not have gone on with things and ended up in the mess that she did. I myself however also need to take heed.

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