Thursday 16 December 2010


Today was really good. We had a visitor from Sportlink who works in Palestine. She coaches a mans basket ball team. She also told some grueling stories of how they are treated by Isreali soldiers. I discovered that like me she had been at the shelter. It was there that I met Palestinians and Isrealies. I have been praying for something like this to happen as I realised that it would be a wake up call to a certain person. Evidently I got that right, she was not pleased, but the fact is that christ died for everyone who will accept him and that includes Palastinians and I think that for a Palestinian to accept christ must be very difficult indeed.

It is terrible when a man is trying to take his daughter through a check point to hospital and the soldiers mock him and tell him to touch his daughters bum.

Or when there is a curfue and a 5 year old child runs out to get neccessities like bread and is shot.

If God is grieved then so should we be. We should be very angry.

We should also be angry at the way hamas kills isrealies

We should also support the poor and oppressed no matter who they are or what side they come from.

I was once an enemy of God, yet he has come to me.

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