Wednesday 29 July 2009

John and John

Last night at the meeting we read 1st John chapter 5. It was wonderfull. It reasured me that God hears my prayer and will answer according to his will. It also showed me how John dealt with false teaching that had come into the church concerning sinning in the body but not the soul. Sin is sin and John reminds the church that they are saved because the trusted in Jesus and that they should live Godly lives and this is evident in that they do not sin by habit.
I found it so uplifting

I was in a supermarket this evening, and was struck by what another customer, a young man, had on the back of his shirt. It said, "Life to the Max, John 10:10" I say amen to that.

Andrew passed into Glory on Tuesday of last week. I will be at his thanksgiving service in Kings Lynn tomorrow.

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