Saturday 18 July 2009


Have you ever opened the bible and read something that you have read many times, but on this occasion it seems new again? I had an experience like that today. I opened my bible in the New testament, and the Paul is addressing believing Jews and reminding them that God called Abraham out of his home land to a land that he had never seen and God promised Abraham that he would give it to his descendants. Abraham and Sarah were childless, so they were not at that point in any position to have descendants. At the end of his life, Abraham still did not have any of the land except for the plot that he bought to bury Sarah when she died and yet the church in Pauls day, and we in our day are able to look back and see that God carried out his promises, even though at the time, visibly he would not have appeared to be doing so.

It is a lesson to me that God carries out his promises, even in ways that I may not see or expect.

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