Wednesday 29 July 2009

John and John

Last night at the meeting we read 1st John chapter 5. It was wonderfull. It reasured me that God hears my prayer and will answer according to his will. It also showed me how John dealt with false teaching that had come into the church concerning sinning in the body but not the soul. Sin is sin and John reminds the church that they are saved because the trusted in Jesus and that they should live Godly lives and this is evident in that they do not sin by habit.
I found it so uplifting

I was in a supermarket this evening, and was struck by what another customer, a young man, had on the back of his shirt. It said, "Life to the Max, John 10:10" I say amen to that.

Andrew passed into Glory on Tuesday of last week. I will be at his thanksgiving service in Kings Lynn tomorrow.

Tuesday 28 July 2009


I made a discovery last night. I discovered that when God promised to give the land to Abraham, They could not sell it as the land belonged to the lord and so therefore the people were only tenents. Interesting.

Why does God bother with me?

Sometimes I wonder why God bothers with me. I am a sinful man. Just when things are ok, I go ahead and do what is wrong, feel guilty about it, say I am sorry, and the big problem is that it is just that little bit easier to do it again. I trust God does not give up on me. I am so grateful for what he has done for me, I am thankful for his restraining hand as I could be so much worse.

Monday 20 July 2009

Praise be to God

It seems that as a society, we are being told that God is not in our lives. In fact God does not exist. We are nothing more than chemicals. God did not create the heavens and the earth, and at any moment a meteorite could hit us and wipe us out.

If there is no God then we are free to indulge in all sorts of sin and there will be no judgement and no consequences. How foolish.

The fact is that Gods word reveals he did create everything. We are answerable to him. There will be a judgment. I am so glad that I know that and that God has revealed himself to me and that he has through the death and resurrection of Jesus saved me.

A tempting weekend

At the weekend, temptation was strong. I pray for someone to help me. I am being persistent in prayer and waiting to see what the lord will do. This is where I think that a marriage partner would be usefull to say the least.

Having said that. When I woke up this morning (Feeling somewhat groggy again) and pulled back the curtains, the sunlight fell upon the promise keepers book. Seeing that reminded me that God keeps his promises.

Saturday 18 July 2009

God Carrys out promises

This morning I was reading the bible and I found that something I have read many times just hit me in a new and refreshing was. God promised Abraham that he would inherit the land. Abraham and his wife Sarah were childless and certainly in no position to have decendants and at the end of his life Abraham still did not own any land except for the plot in which he buried Sarah when she died. The church in Pauls day were able to look back and see how God had in fact carried out his promises even when visibly he did not appear to be doing so.

It is a lesson to me that God is carrying out his promises even when I do not see it or understand it


Have you ever opened the bible and read something that you have read many times, but on this occasion it seems new again? I had an experience like that today. I opened my bible in the New testament, and the Paul is addressing believing Jews and reminding them that God called Abraham out of his home land to a land that he had never seen and God promised Abraham that he would give it to his descendants. Abraham and Sarah were childless, so they were not at that point in any position to have descendants. At the end of his life, Abraham still did not have any of the land except for the plot that he bought to bury Sarah when she died and yet the church in Pauls day, and we in our day are able to look back and see that God carried out his promises, even though at the time, visibly he would not have appeared to be doing so.

It is a lesson to me that God carries out his promises, even in ways that I may not see or expect.

Monday 13 July 2009

A bit of Culture

The food and drink festival over the weekend was good. I met a couple of opera singers who were busking. I bought their album. I took photos of them and put them on facebook. One day these girls may hit the big time.

Persistent prayer

I woke up this morning feeling groggy. A shower soon took care of that problem. I then attended devotions led by Mike and it was about Jesus in Gethsemane It was brilliant. He showed how the Prayer was answered even though one sense it was not. For a long time now I have felt God encouraging persistent prayer and Mike once again brought up persistent prayer. I was also reminded that God heard the prayer and answered it. JESUS WAS STRENTHENED by angels. He also went on to do his fathers will