Wednesday 6 May 2009

Luke 18:1-8

In Luke 18 1-8 we read of the parable of the persistent widow. The Key thing is that Jesus was encouraging persistence in prayer. I have a friend, who has not been well for a while, and I determined to persist in prayer for her. I heard from her today and I am so joyfull about that.

I was reminded of the above parable when I got some Daily Bread notes in the mail yesterday that had an accompanying letter telling me about answers to prayer and this parable was mentioned. It was such and encougement to me, so to see an answer today, I am overjoyed.

I say to anyone reading this. Be persistent in prayer and see what the lord will do, he may say no, or take a new direction, or yes, but he will answer. There are however things we know we must pray for. We must pray for each other, and build one another up.

Thankyou lord for answering my prayer

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