Saturday 23 May 2009

the Homosexual Issue

This evening in the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, there will be a debate about a 35 year old homosexual man who wants to be inducted into a church in the Presbetery of Aberdeen. There has been an on line petition about this and I used my membership of the church of Scotland to sign it. It seems to me that by stealth a vocal minority want to impose their views on the rest of us who hold to what Gods word has to say on the matter. More and more laws are being passed by our parliament that approve of immorality and give rights to those who seek to silence those of us who want to voice a view on the matter. To me it is a sin like any other sin. No greater, no worse. I was at meeting during the week that was led by the christian council and as I listened to the speakers, it confirmed what I think. Being a christian in this country is being undermined by the law because of pressure groups seeking to get their way

There may come a day, when we christians will find ourselves being put on trial for simply stating what Gods word has to say.

If we are serious about our faith, We need to stand up and be counted.

I watch with great interest this evening what the General Assembly will decide

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