Saturday 23 May 2009

the Homosexual Issue

This evening in the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, there will be a debate about a 35 year old homosexual man who wants to be inducted into a church in the Presbetery of Aberdeen. There has been an on line petition about this and I used my membership of the church of Scotland to sign it. It seems to me that by stealth a vocal minority want to impose their views on the rest of us who hold to what Gods word has to say on the matter. More and more laws are being passed by our parliament that approve of immorality and give rights to those who seek to silence those of us who want to voice a view on the matter. To me it is a sin like any other sin. No greater, no worse. I was at meeting during the week that was led by the christian council and as I listened to the speakers, it confirmed what I think. Being a christian in this country is being undermined by the law because of pressure groups seeking to get their way

There may come a day, when we christians will find ourselves being put on trial for simply stating what Gods word has to say.

If we are serious about our faith, We need to stand up and be counted.

I watch with great interest this evening what the General Assembly will decide

Another Treat

I delayed going to see Star Trek and went last night with the Dyke family. On the way we stopped at an Indian Resturaunt and had the buffet. It was lovely. While we were there, a couple of our team came in as did a couple of Wendys patients. I loved the place and would definetely go again. It was a nice additional birthday treat

Wednesday 20 May 2009

My Birthday

It is my birthday today. I intentend to keep it low key as having been to Cefn Lea for the weekend away, I thought that getting the team out for a meal this evening would be a bit much, so I am going to content myself with going to see the latest Star Trek film. However I have to say that at devotions this morning I really appreciated how Urs prayed and thanked the lord for me, for my gifts and for my life. I was deeply touched. I am also touched by getting a card from Rose and Alec

Tuesday 12 May 2009

It is not good for man to be alone (again)

I was reading the Evangelical Times, when I came across an article entitled, "Marriage Optional?" It claimed that if things keep goin the way they are, then married couples will soon be out numbered by those who are not married. This of course includes co habiting. It also claimed that by 2031 the forcast means that millions of young people are heading for a life of middle aged loneliness. Not for nothing did God say in Genisis 2:28 "It is not good that man should be alone. I will make a help meet for him". Interesting that I should come across this today after Joseph jokingly mentioned it yesterday.

Monday 11 May 2009

It is not good for man to be alone Ha ha ha

Our leader from India is here today and he gave us an update of the work in India over the past 10 years. It was moving. We should thank God for what he has done and is still doing. As a joke, he said, I have not done devotions today, so our text will be "It is not good for man to be alone".

he had a great deal of praise for the dalit ladies.

Wednesday 6 May 2009

The phone call

I got a phone call from my brother today. His daughter once again wanted to talk to me about the workshop I attended. I trust that what I said to her was helpfull for the essay that she is writing about it.

Luke 18:1-8

In Luke 18 1-8 we read of the parable of the persistent widow. The Key thing is that Jesus was encouraging persistence in prayer. I have a friend, who has not been well for a while, and I determined to persist in prayer for her. I heard from her today and I am so joyfull about that.

I was reminded of the above parable when I got some Daily Bread notes in the mail yesterday that had an accompanying letter telling me about answers to prayer and this parable was mentioned. It was such and encougement to me, so to see an answer today, I am overjoyed.

I say to anyone reading this. Be persistent in prayer and see what the lord will do, he may say no, or take a new direction, or yes, but he will answer. There are however things we know we must pray for. We must pray for each other, and build one another up.

Thankyou lord for answering my prayer

Tuesday 5 May 2009

The attfield theatre

My niece needs to write an essay on an activity in the arts. To that end she asked me about a shakespear workship that I attended for the Attfield Theatre. I hope that what I provided her with will help her. She is worried about it as her essay is late and she hopes that she is doing it correctly

Silver Wedding

It was good to see the family in Dunfermline for my brother and sister in law silver wedding. My brother said that he and his wife had been on a Journey individually and together. He was very emotional about it.

One of my nieces made a short speech. She said that she was so thankfull that her parents are still together as the parents of most of her friends are not.

taking a stand on homosexuality

The weekend was eventful. I went to an Evangelical Fellowship of Congregational Churches Annual General Meeting. This was good. We could see that God has blessed us with resources and we thank him for it. However, the General Secretary told us about how the Presbetery of Aberdeen intend to induct an openly homosexual man. I have since checked this out and it is to come up at the General Assembly. I am praying about this.