Monday 23 February 2009

How did you know?

Yesterday was Sunday and it was one of those days where I could ask the minister the question, "How did you know"? He didn't of course, but God does. We were studying Acts and the Man From Macedonia. This led to a consideration of how God guides. It seems that God has a revealed will in his word. He also has a secret will. We are to follow his revealed will.

The minister then pointed out that we should pray for wisdom to make wise decisions. Wisdom is something I have thought about a great deal lately. He also said that sometimes God hems you in so that you stop going in one direction or another and you are left with one way to go. This is exactly what I feel God is doing to me. I discovered when I first sensed this some weeks ago that the psalmist was also able to say of the lord, "You hem me in".

It is in trust that I accept that Gods will is worked out in providence and that his will is the best for me.

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