Tuesday 24 February 2009


Last night the theatre had a read through of Macbeth. It seemed strange to me to be sitting in an English town and reading words that were all too familiar to me, but probably not to anyone else. as a man from The Kingdom Of Fife, every time I read the word Fife in th script, it reminded me of my home town of Dunfermline the old Capital of Scotland.

It is a big cast, and there are children in it. If this were a film it would be called a Blockbuster.

Monday 23 February 2009

How did you know?

Yesterday was Sunday and it was one of those days where I could ask the minister the question, "How did you know"? He didn't of course, but God does. We were studying Acts and the Man From Macedonia. This led to a consideration of how God guides. It seems that God has a revealed will in his word. He also has a secret will. We are to follow his revealed will.

The minister then pointed out that we should pray for wisdom to make wise decisions. Wisdom is something I have thought about a great deal lately. He also said that sometimes God hems you in so that you stop going in one direction or another and you are left with one way to go. This is exactly what I feel God is doing to me. I discovered when I first sensed this some weeks ago that the psalmist was also able to say of the lord, "You hem me in".

It is in trust that I accept that Gods will is worked out in providence and that his will is the best for me.

Tuesday 17 February 2009

A note in my bible on quick answers to prayer

There is a note in my bible on Psalm 70 about speedy answers to prayer. I see nothing wrong in asking for a speedy answer, but it is up the lord whether he grants speed or not. The note is as follows

" Think about it. Our world worships speed. Whether it's cars, computers, or dialing the phone, faster is better. But God's perfect timing can't be measured in mph, MHz, or split seconds. He's just not on our time system. When you are pressured and can't get answers fast enough, remember God is not playing a cruel joke on you. He's getting you ready for the best answer."

I may have an answer to prayer. It is not the one that I expected, but it is a good one.

On the same subject I have recently witnessed a speedy answer to prayer. We were praying for our team and one of our members was praying for our IT department and asked for another member to come SOON. It actually happened. Can you believe it? I am so pleased.

Monday 16 February 2009


We get down to working on Macbeth next week. That will be a challenge, but I am really looking forward to it. I find that the theatre brings out the creativity in me.

The final and the party afterwards last Saturday was really good. I do not think I have enjoyed a social event so much for some months.

Friday 13 February 2009


A certain young man I know has broken his leg. He is in hospital. I decided to send him a card and a tract and later on I sent him a christian booklet. I just saw his unfortunate situation as an opportunity and I prayed for him. I also pray for others.

Sunday 8 February 2009


I was in a shop yesterday. I saw that one of the girls on the staff was wearing a belt that said "JESUS"on it. I asked her if it was just a fashion item, or did it mean something. She said that it meant something, to which I asked her, "To You?" she said "Yes, today I am not wearing my cross." It turned out that she is member of an anglican church in a village near here. I went back there tonight and put throught he shop letter box a copy of the 50th anniversary global for her as it was clear that she had never heard of OM. Tomorrow night I am going to give her copies of Go4it.

Prayer, answers and encouragement

It is Sunday, and once again in the morning I heard about bringing one person to christ and then both of us bring one person to christ and so on. As I heard this I was praying for the usual person to come to christ. In fact last night I did a lot of crying out for her. In the evening we talked about prayer meetings and this led to talking about how the church prayed for Peter to be release from prison, which he was in a miraculous way and suddenly he was at the door. The church were shocked and surprised at this answer to prayer. I want my prayers answered. We then went on to agree about praying for and talking to our neighbours. This began tonight. I am thrilled at this. I need the encouragement.

Friday 6 February 2009

Am I not still enough?

Having heard devotions this morning on BE STILL, I now find the same thing in the daily bread notes that I received yesterday.

Be still once more

Devotions this morning focused on one thing yet again. Be still and know that I am God. We then had a time of thinking about this followed by singing.

Tuesday 3 February 2009

Knock knock

Scriture says, "Knock and the Door shall be opened". It does not say May be opened, or sometimes opened. It says SHALL be opened. This occured to me this morning as I was praying in the kitchen of all places. I want a door opened.

Monday 2 February 2009

Two doors firmly shut

Two ladies on fusion that I contacted have been very polite, but decided not to remain in contact with me. They have their reasons which are very good ones, but they way I see it is that this is Gods providence. I makes me keep moving in a certain direction without being distracted. However I do pray that I reach my objective soon as I had a body blow on Saturday that really rocked me. I should expect opposition, and I now fight on, but God please bring things to fruition quickly.