Friday 24 March 2017

nobodies to somebodies?

I see a lot of things being said in christians circles about how they are nobodies but christ has made them a somebody. My difficulty with that is that in saying that, they make themselves the centre of attention. I understand this all too well as we all want to be the centre of attention. However, we have to play our part in exhalting christ. I think I heard some wise words recently when one of my colleques said that at the day of judgement what we have done for christ will be tested and some of what we claim we did for christ will in fact be burned up as we really did it for ourselves. John the Baptist said that, "He must increase and I must decrease". John called the nation back to God, he got crowds gathering. Many responded to the message he preached while other hated it, but he got a lot of attention. He was a celebrity. I need to be mindful that I have to point people to christ and not to me.

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