Monday 29 February 2016

Evacuation and the Crash

I went Aylsbury at the weekend to see D.  While I was there, we went out and we needed to go to public Toilets. While I was on there, there was an intercom announcement saying "Staff announcement 100, there has been an incident please wait for further details."  this was repeated to be followed by, " We need to evacuate this building, please leave immediately" Which I could not do as I sat apon the throne.  This toilet was in a bus station which is part of a shopping center and both bus station and shopping center had to be evacuated.

On the way home, I was going round a roundabout, when I saw a white van lying on its side in a deep ditch.  There was also a parked car and a man by the road side using his phone. Evidently the van had to have slid or rolled into the ditch.  We had prayed that I would be safe as I traveled home and indeed I was, but this incident was a reminder of how dangerous being on the road can be and things can happen in an instant.

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