Monday 29 February 2016

Evacuation and the Crash

I went Aylsbury at the weekend to see D.  While I was there, we went out and we needed to go to public Toilets. While I was on there, there was an intercom announcement saying "Staff announcement 100, there has been an incident please wait for further details."  this was repeated to be followed by, " We need to evacuate this building, please leave immediately" Which I could not do as I sat apon the throne.  This toilet was in a bus station which is part of a shopping center and both bus station and shopping center had to be evacuated.

On the way home, I was going round a roundabout, when I saw a white van lying on its side in a deep ditch.  There was also a parked car and a man by the road side using his phone. Evidently the van had to have slid or rolled into the ditch.  We had prayed that I would be safe as I traveled home and indeed I was, but this incident was a reminder of how dangerous being on the road can be and things can happen in an instant.

Friday 26 February 2016

one man in the middle

my book got a good review on the web site, "One Man in the Middle". I am pleased with this, because getting a good review from someone who knows and loves you is one thing, but getting it from someone whom I do not know and he or she sees the point of the book is just wonderful.

Tuesday 23 February 2016

Wednesday 17 February 2016

Jack and the Beanstalk

I went to the Chirk Panto, Jack and the Beanstalk.  The dancing and gymnastics were great, I trust they are well insured and I have never seen the giant played by a stilt walker before.

laura played the lead

Who knows, I may consider it for next year.

Friday 12 February 2016


I regret ever seeing the Friends 1st advert and responding to it.  One is tied into a contract that costs a great deal of money even at its lowest rate. They send you profiles that you could easily find on a web site for yourself at considerably less cost and they offer to re write your profile that costs more.  They also send letters and emails to entice you to buy their services using the most manipulative choice of words.

I think they home in on how people feel about themselves and use their emotions to manipulate them into giving them your money.  I think no matter how they put it, at the end of the day they do not really care about people, they are just predators who manipulate.

If you are considering them, I say, forget it, find a good site and no matter how tired you are do not under any circumstances join Friends 1st

Also the woman comes from a Roman Catholic background and is married to a Roman Catholic.  Evidently she has move to the Church of England unchallenged and her husband still goes to a Roman catholic church.  This tells me that she has never had a conversion experience.

I hope to do her good. I sent her my book and another book about the papacy, because she is evidently self deceived and in turn deceives others. Why she got an award for her business is just unbelievable. When I joined, I knew it was a risk, but what I did not expect was the pressure from the manipulation.

Do not join.

Why the media need to stop hounding Christian TV presenter Dan Walker - Premier Christianity

Why the media need to stop hounding Christian TV presenter Dan Walker - Premier Christianity: Christian TV presenter Dan Walker has been criticised in the media this week for believing that God created the world. David Robertson responds

Monday 1 February 2016

the merger

Here we are, day one of the merger. Today is a historic day in OM  What was once three fields is now one.

Also, I am published and distribution needs to be sorted.