Monday 16 November 2015

Global Village, in the street

I have done one evening, one day and one afternoon as a character in Global Village. I played a refugee twice and the shop keeper once.  It is an interesting experience.  When people are asked why they believe in Jesus, they struggle to answer. 

There were people among the visitors whom I knew, but I had do stay in character. One I had not seen for some years, Veronique.  It was good to see her and today I sent her a message on facebook

From the Global Village experience, I have to conclude that the British Church has to learn how to communicate to the people in a fashion they understand.  We use words like, "Righteousness", but people do not understand what that means.

While playing the refugee,  a real refugee from Congo came and she had a big smile. She had suffered.  She had burns on her arm and neck.  She escaped from Congo to Angola and then to Scotland where the Scottish police told her to go to London to seek asylum which she successfully did.  I was very humbled by that.

On a personal level, I find it great to work with other OMers serving in other parts of the country and who themselves come from other countries.  I feel I have a good relationship with them and more so with two in particular.  One of them works at the shelter in Amsterdam where I also worked.

Another is a man from Bulgaria who played the muslim

We also have a young lady from Moldova and I think her accent really suits the parts she is playing.

It is wonderful to work with one of my Scottish Colleques.

All in all, I have enjoyed the experience.  We are all learning from it.

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