Monday 21 September 2015

Friends 1st can you believe it?

I got a letter from Friends 1st this morning.  I had paid them off earlier in the year to get rid of them and here they were writing to me to ask me to join again.  Their expensive dating package would be free to me if I rejoined and rewriting my profile which would cost £85 would also be free.  A few months ago it cost £75, so it has gone up in price. 

the woman whose company this is grew up in the RC church and just reading what she says about herself, she is now in the church of England, and I have to conclude that she is not converted.  She is even married to an RC and sometimes goes with him to his church, so that tells me that she has not grasped the gospel and yet she recommends other people may consider members of the RC church.

I have once again told them to remove my details and they assure me they have.

1 comment:

colin said...

They can't know much of the gospel if they see no difference between the gospel and Roman Catholicism. Christians are not be unequally yoked. How can you trust in Christs once and for all sacrifice and re-sacrifice Him at every mass?
You made the right move in leaving.