Friday 12 June 2015

Friends 1st yet again

Friends 1st sent me more literature.   I emailed them and told them that the whole point of paying them was to bring my membership to a speedy end and would they please stop sending me things.  I did not think they deliberately sought to annoy, but they seemed to have an internal issue and to back this up, I returned their literature to them.  I then recieved and email from them stating that this has been corrected and I should receive no more from them.

Just about everything about them did not impress me.  I cannot think of a single thing that I admire and it is evident that the founder has never had a conversion experience. She has passed effortlessly from the Roman Catholic so called church to the Church of England, which in my view is highly unlikely to challenge her by asking for a testimony as all one has to do is be on the electoral roll and turn up as the church and you are a member.  That does not make anyone a member of the real church which is Gods people.  Gods people have all been converted and welcomed into the family.

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