Saturday 18 October 2014

Writing the stories for the future

Yesterday, in our team meeting, our MD quoted from a book about the beginnings of OM India. At the time we wanted  8 people in OM India. We now have over 1000.  They were well in the red and looked to the lord to provide. Here we are all those years later.  God provided and he still does and there are still challenges.  I found it inspirational.

He then said that we do not read these to look to the past, but in looking back we see Gods provision so that we can write new stories and move forward.  This made me think of my own writing.  Yesterday morning a secular publisher whom I sent a couple of chapters to contacted me and asked to see the full manuscript.  This was a massive encouragement.  There is no commitment to publish, but It was never the less a Yahooooooooooooooooo moment.  There is hOpe.

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