Friday 24 October 2014

God delivers, but in his way

As we were reminded in devotions this morning.  God delivers, but not always in the way that we imagine

Wednesday 22 October 2014

10 commandments

I downloaded something called the 10 Commandments of dating and there is a bit on failure that just inspired me.  After yesterday failing to meet the tick list in that I am a renter, not a home owner it was an inspiration.
I also dreamed that there was a Doctor Who Computer game featuring Sylvester McCoy.

a georgeous dog

I had a dream last night about a dog with a green ruff collar round its neck. I think it was a fantasy dog as it was not any breed I have ever seen and it had lovely eyes. they were big and they seemed to get bigger and smaller and change in colour as I petted it. It seemed like a large puppy.  At one point its eyes were green and round.  Its body was black and white.

Tuesday 21 October 2014

figuratively my head is off

As I expected Dian did not go for it.  However she has not even seen the content of my attachments yet she behaved as though she knew what I would say. She was wrong. I did not say the things that she assumes I would say. Instead I sent a long detailed biblical argument.  Never the less, my head is off.  She had a schedule, which I thought was a bad idea, she will not comprimise, another bad idea and she is desperate which is also bad. 

I would have worked with her if she was willing to listen.

Monday 20 October 2014

long email attachment to Dian

I sent a long message to Dian in an attachment.  My head is now on the block.

Saturday 18 October 2014

Writing the stories for the future

Yesterday, in our team meeting, our MD quoted from a book about the beginnings of OM India. At the time we wanted  8 people in OM India. We now have over 1000.  They were well in the red and looked to the lord to provide. Here we are all those years later.  God provided and he still does and there are still challenges.  I found it inspirational.

He then said that we do not read these to look to the past, but in looking back we see Gods provision so that we can write new stories and move forward.  This made me think of my own writing.  Yesterday morning a secular publisher whom I sent a couple of chapters to contacted me and asked to see the full manuscript.  This was a massive encouragement.  There is no commitment to publish, but It was never the less a Yahooooooooooooooooo moment.  There is hOpe.

Thursday 16 October 2014


Dian whom I am now having telephone conversations with sounds like the sort of woman who would appeal to me.  She looks lovely, and she is very visionary.  She loves films and theaters.  She loves my voice and she said she always wanted a Scottish boyfriend.  she is not attracted to black men and she likes older men.  I am 13 year older.  She finds a man who leads attractive.  It will be interesting when we meet.

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Going through Jessica

I decided to go through Jessica to get to the man I met on Saturday in the shop.  I sent our Global magazine.  She seemed to know him, so I am hoping she can forward it to him.