Thursday 7 August 2014

An acknowledgement has arrived

I have an email. It is an acknowledgement of the arrival of the chapters of my book that I sent to them. They say that they will go to the Editorial department and they will get back to me in due course. At least they bothered to reply so that shows that they show respect for those who submit material to them, which is more than some do. Having looked at their web site, I see that they are reformed. They say that authors may not be reformed, but they do not accept material to the contrary. They also use STL to distribute books on the USA. I pointed out to them that I am an OM er and I included the blurb that George Verwer wrote for me. When I sent the chapters, I wrote a covering letter explaining what the book is about and a line or two about each chapter. This is the advice I got from Sinclair Ferguson, whom I knew very slightly a long time ago when he and his wife were attending what is now my sending church.

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