Friday 25 October 2013

The call of Ezekiel

Ezekiel 2: 1-5 Ezekiel 3 Ezekiel and Jeremiah were both of a priestly line and both of them were called of God to go to Israel and tell them what God said. They were both told that Israel would be stubborn and not listen. It would be hard work and difficult Ezekiel was commanded to eat the scroll and it tasted as sweet as honey. This was symbolic of receiving the word of God and taking it into his soul. We also need to receive the word of God and it will be like honey to us. Sweet and good for us. We need to read the scriptures and pray over them and understand and obey. However, to those whom Ezekiel was going to speak, the word of God would be like Gaul What is sweet to us and to those who receive it, it vile to those who do not want to listen In our day, we need to be like Ezekiel We are called of God not to be successful; we are called of god to be faithful We are to be faithful in our daily walk and we in this movement are called to be faithful in reaching the lost. In V 14, Ezekiel was enraged. Have you ever been enraged? I have. Remember, be ye angry and sin not. Sometimes it is right to be angry. We need to be angry at sin and we need to be angry at its consequences. But remember, sin not. We need to channel righteous anger into communicating the word of god to others. I find that I have a growing interest in sentences in the bible that mention a passage of time such as V15 For seven days Ezekiel caused consternation. He did not have a quick chat with people and then they got angry and they calmed down. This was seven days of pleading with them, telling them what God had to say and them resisting it. It must have been exhausting for him. V17 In OM, we have Job descriptions. From V 17, we read Ezekiels Job description. Although this was intended for Ezekiel, I firmly believe that in principal this for every one of us who believe. WE are to warn people and if we do not warn people and they die in their sins, God will require from us on the day of judgement some sort of penalty for not doing what he has commissioned us to do. It says here that he would require their Blood. I think that this was said to Ezekiel to give him motivation and also to give him a view of that final day, the day of Judgement so that he himself would be well prepared for it. We also need to take heed V21 this concerns the righteous people who sinned and they hear word of god, some may respond and some will not. It seems that although the house of Israel as a whole would be stubborn, there would be individuals who would and for their sake and also for the Glory of God, Ezekiel was sent. We are called to be FAITHFUL. WE ARE CALLED TO BE FAITHFUL IN SEASON AND OUT OF SEASON Whether we feel like it or not, it is our job to take the word of God to the lost with all the talents whatever they may be that God has given us. God does not promise that it will be easy, in fact he promised Ezekiel and Jeremiah that it would be difficult. They were both reviled and yet both did what God said. I have served in a few missions and I promise you there will be difficulties God uses them to allow us to get to know him. There are also times of great joy and rejoicing We need to have set before us the day of Judgement and what God will say to us. In all circumstances, we must be faithful in doing good. AMEN

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