Friday 5 October 2012

First to the Jew

Having been at last nights meeting, and over the past few days bought a number of books, I see that the subject of "To the Jew first" came up again and this is being put forward as a biblical patern.

I see it purely as a historical fact and cannot see one scripture that says that this is an established pattern for all time or that it was ever an established patern.  Paul said to the Jew first because he was addressing the Romans and was in no way claiming that they have a priority yet I see a doctrine has been established around these words. It so happnens that the people I have heard proclaim this to other believers who are not Jews have been messianic Jews.

There is a great danger that people could love Isreal more than they love the lord. 

Where has it come from? Who or what started it for it is certainly not the scriptures.

Paul wanted to see the jews, his own race saved.  this is good and right

However he also had a lot to say about the circumcised in heart and how we are the decendants of Abraham and this tends not to come up in these meetings.  It means that I am a jew.

Gods plan for any jew is the same as for anyone else.  Repent and believe in the lord Jesus Christ.  If you do not, you will face the lord as your judge and be damned.

Someone once said to me, "God chose the jews, he could just as easily have chosen the gentiles"

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