Saturday 29 October 2011

Stick with it

I told someone that I would stick with her. The Question is, will I? what sort of a person am I? I happened to be watching a film this afternoon. It was BEAN, and at the end of the film Mr Bean is making a speach about Whistlers mother in which he says that whistler painted his mother and he would stick with her. When I heard this, it reminded me of what I had said. I wonder if God in providence is reminding me of this and telling me to do what I said.

In the coming week, let me see.

Friday 28 October 2011

Speedy answers to prayer.

I am asking for a speedy answer to prayer and I am open to any possibilities. I wrote to F and I await her reply. Perhaps she is the answer and I am to hers, or the lord may yet surprise me, but any answer at all would be lovely

Thursday 20 October 2011

God hears and answers prayer

As I look around me, and as I take into account things I heard as i entered a meeting this morning, and also as I was praying for M and F this morning and praying that I make wise decisions. I think that I am on the brink of seeing an answer. I do not know what it will be, but I do feel like the children of isreal standing by the shore with the Egyptian army in pursuit going forward at Gods command and awaiting God to do something.

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Trust and risk

I asked M if I am trusted. It seems to me that is the word that is prominent to me at the present. I am so accustomed to being trusted that it is difficult for me to have to go beyond being myself to earn that trust when I know that I would not do anyone a bad turn. I really do love the lord. I might have my failures, but I do love the lord and his people. I try to be faithfull.

I filled in at reception yesterday and perhaps this is just my mind, or perhaps this is his providence, but I noticed for the first time that the word TRUST is on the computer speakers.

I now feel that I have a choice in what could be a life changing matter and trust is going to be one of the factors. Risk will be another. I could go on as I am, but look back with regret. I once told someone who first raised the subject of risk with me that I am afraid of taking the risk, but I am far more afraid of not taking it.

I am therefore praying that the lord will give me wisdom in the choices I intend to make over the next couple of weeks to a month

Tuesday 11 October 2011


It may be that in providence some years ago, through a christian site I started writing to a woman. I mis read where she lives and I am glad I did, or a I would not have continued with the correspondence. I grew very very impressed with her character and her experience of life. Now I find that terrible things have happened to her and in my heart, I want to support her if she will let me, so I have sent some emails, but I have also prepared a text message and I am hoping that I will see Gods hand in that.

Thursday 6 October 2011

hands up

Well, I got a Kick up the backside yesterday, and I needed it. I got an email from someone in desperate need. I see the hand of God in how she got the particular email address that she used to contact me because I had not given it to her in the conventional sense ( though I knew she had it) and what she had to say cut me to the core and I need to be like Moses with his hands held up praying over the battle. I do see this as a spiritual battle and I need to be about the business of prayer for her and other matters as indeed I am, but I need to be all the more vervent in it.