Thursday 28 July 2011

Keswick and prayer

Today we were told about a woman who I heard on the Radio last Sunday. She is an elderly missionary doctor. She told the story about a baby who needed to be kept warm and therefore needed a hot water bottle. A 12 year old girl prayed that God would send a hot water bottle and then said, "By the way, send a dolly for the baby to." The missionary doctor had not recieved anything from Britian in 5 years, yet she did recieve a package and among the contents was a hot water bottle. When the 12 year old girl saw the bottle she put her hand in the package and said, "If God sent the hot water bottle, he must have sent a dolly to". As she said this, she pulled out of the package, a small doll."

What an encouragement it must have been to that doctor and to the girl. It certainly was to me that God listens to my prayers and answers them. I may not have all my answers now, but it it coming.

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