Thursday 28 July 2011

Keswick and prayer

Today we were told about a woman who I heard on the Radio last Sunday. She is an elderly missionary doctor. She told the story about a baby who needed to be kept warm and therefore needed a hot water bottle. A 12 year old girl prayed that God would send a hot water bottle and then said, "By the way, send a dolly for the baby to." The missionary doctor had not recieved anything from Britian in 5 years, yet she did recieve a package and among the contents was a hot water bottle. When the 12 year old girl saw the bottle she put her hand in the package and said, "If God sent the hot water bottle, he must have sent a dolly to". As she said this, she pulled out of the package, a small doll."

What an encouragement it must have been to that doctor and to the girl. It certainly was to me that God listens to my prayers and answers them. I may not have all my answers now, but it it coming.

Tuesday 12 July 2011


One never knows what a day will hold. I got up this morning full of the joys, only to be told about a big issue to do with an air com. I know the person concened will do his utmost to get things sorted, so I do not have any concern about that, and for a about a week, I felt a bit put out because my car will not start. I find that one thng will not get me down, two might start and if I have a range of little things then I really start to feel it. It just shows how one can be cast down in an instant. It is just as well that Jesus Christ is reliable. He never breaks down and only wants the best for us.

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Car not starting

the car will not start. It makes a clicking noise. think it has an electrical fault. I need to either upgrade Greenflag or AA to get a relay service.

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Daily Bread

I occassionaly use Daily bread. One of the entries is on patience. Psalm 130:5 " I waited for the lord, my soul waits, and in his word, I do hope. It then goes on to say that Jacob waited for Racheal, moses waited for 40 years for the call to lead Isreal and the isreal waited 40 years in the wilderness. Could my waiting be nearing an end? I think I have learned a lot in my lifetime of waiting.

Monday 4 July 2011

Decisions decisions.

I wonder what will happen to me this week. I intend to start a discussion about a distance learning course. I still need to thrash out some details.
I had bit of a tif with F about her insensitivity. She did not like it, but I decided not to reply straight away, I wanted to think and now that I have replied, I think the delay was wise. I also still have to deal with M.

All in all I have decions to make and I need the lords wisdom. I do not think there are any bad choices there are good and the best and I need to work out which is which. As it happens this dilemma comes up in the Screwtape letters, a book I am currently re reading. I plan to read "Mere christianity" again next.

Saturday 2 July 2011

Gratitude is most welcome

I gave F a little bit of financial help that I can ill afford, but I did it and as usual her lack of gratitude is annoying and hurtful. She really seems to have no idea how other people feel.

I also found this morning that I had two copies of "Mere Christianity" by CS Lewis. I want to read it again, so I kept the battered copy for myself and sent the nice looking one to M. I pray she benefits from it. I know I will when I read it again.


Friday 1 July 2011

All things work together for good.

Phil wright was here today and he said that there are passages of the bible we know that we quote, but not always sensitively. How true.

However he then went on to say that all things work together for good to those who love the lord whatever situation we are in. We have a different view to the world. Our situation may be dire and we can look back on other situations that the lord brought us through and know that he will do something again. There is a reason for our financial situation, loneliness, pain etc even if we do not know it now. I have been looking back on three recent situations where I had a need and all of them were met.