Friday 25 February 2011

God answers prayer. Oh yes he does

This morning Andrew was talking about a psalm and he was a bit naughty as he actually spoke on the next psalm as well. There is a point where the second psalm says "You answer us". To recieve an answer, it follows one must have asked. I am asking, asking and asking. when will I be answered. I am sure God will answer

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Gods Goodness to me

Things went my way at the weekend at the bank. In fact I would say they went better than alright. I am pleased. I see God in it guiding and protecting me. It is better than I hoped for. Now as for the other things I pray about, a strong temptation came my way and I put it off to think. In fact I put it off for two month and then came back to it it stronger. It concerned email that I knew I would get. As I read it coldly, I realised the person who sent it is lonely and very emotionally unstable. She has turned me into a fantasy character that I do not recognise. I decided that the best course of action was not to communicate with her again and delete her. She would have drawn me in sexually and my name would have been tarnished.

I see the lord and his protection in these things. I am just so grateful for the things he has given me in the past few months. The car the mobile, the protection of my person. God is good.

Tuesday 15 February 2011

the way ahead and difficulties

I think I can see a way ahead now with my difficulties. I pray that Saturdays meeting goes well. If it does things should be plain sailing and I will be making some personal changes.

At the theatre, I am business manager for the next production and it is a bit of an uphill struggle. there are not enough people whom I know who can fill the posts that by law need to be filled. I have a three weeks to do it. I know I will get someone tonight, but I can see that I need to bring the issue up at the next committee meeting.


Friday 11 February 2011

Uncle Johns funeral

On Tuesday, my brother and I were at our Uncle Johns funeral. It was such an honour to participate, to travel in the car with our cousins, to put our hands on the coffin with them and escort it into the cremetorium and to greet people as they left to go to the hotel. I felt closer to my cousins than I have ever done before.

I loved and admired Uncle John. He was a man whos company we all enjoyed. He was a dandy and a very talented man. A true inspiration to the rest of us.

There were people at the funeral from the speakers club and those who knew him when he was starting out as an actor. It was lovely to see such a large number of people.

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Uncle John has died

Today, my Uncle John died. He was a semi professional actor and salesman. I think the performing side of things came down from his side of the family to me and others. I expect this means that I will be making a trip to Rutherglen soon.

I am glad that I had a discussion with him a few years ago that was very revealing indeed. It opened the family secrets. He will be a loss to us all.