Tuesday 4 January 2011

The first blog of the year

I is now January 2011. Christmas in Dunfermline was lovely. However when I return home, I have mixed feelings. It is nice to be in my own flat, doing my own thing and having a car again is great. However, I have no family here. That gives me a certain feeling of emptiness. However I do have friends here and that is good. I have life here that is community based that I did not have in Dunfermline.

There are things I would love to achieve this year, but will it happen? I have just about got the first day at work in and that has been nice and I am looking forward to the summer when my nieces plan to come and visit me. I love them very much. They have not been here since they were children.

There will be changes here on the the team. The big change will be in how we are renumerated.

I feel the need to get into gods word more. Some recent events have shown me why the apostle paul emphasised love so much. I could be the most talented person in the world but if I do not love people then I am useless and a liability.

Yesterday, I finaly did what I have thought about for many years. I bought a slow cooker so that I can have meals ready when I go home. I tried it out last night and it was lovely.

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