Wednesday 26 January 2011

Psalm 51

I will be speaking on psalm 51 on Friday. David had sinned and when confronted by Nathan, he had a broken and contrite heart. He was desperate to be cleansed of sin. I sometimes know the feeling and when you know the lords forgiveness, it is glorious.

I hope that I never grow hard hearted and cherish sin.

Train service

Unfortunately the direct train service from Shropshire to London will terminate on Friday. I only had the opportunity to use it once. It was lovely.

The letter

I got the letter yesterday with the new details. As I am not a finance person, I do not fully grasp things. However, with some apprehension, this has to be good.

Tuesday 25 January 2011


Apprehensive about changes and the consequenses they could have for me, however, so far so good. I got a very reasuring email today, so one problem is dealt with and now for the rest. God is good.

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Answer to prayer

Today was lovely. I saw a clear answer to prayer. A passport was missing and I prayed that it would be found. I had good reason to think it may not. It is now with the the girl in question and I am just so thrilled to see Gods goodness to me, to her and to those of us who prayed.

Monday 10 January 2011

yesterday was my anniversary

Yesterday was my 16th anniversary of joining this organisation. I remember with great fondness those who joined with me and have gone on to other things.

Busy week this week. Tonight I am at the crew and on thursday I am in charge of Stewarding at a film. I can see this is going to become a regular thing.

do it now

After last weekends visit to the bank at my behest, I need to get things sorted out.

I also have an idea on how to make some money and after a message I heard from Chris this morning about all the books he read as a young man there was one where the main thing he remembered about it was the message, "DO IT NOW", So I will be putting my idea into action one evening this week.

Wednesday 5 January 2011

Victory from the lord

I was reading the old Testament last night when I came across a passage concerning the people of Isreal preparing for battle. They were told that if a man had built a house and had not dedicated it, then he need not go into battle. If he had a fiance whom he had not married, he need not go into battle and if he was fearful then he need not go and all this when they can see that the number of the enemy is greater. This is much like the incident with Gideon when he had to choose those who lapped water out of their hands rather than got down and drank from the river. It was so that the people of Isreal could see that the victory came from the lord and not from their own efforts.


Today I submitted the measurements for the two rooms in the Sunday school to get a rateable value. I hope that this year we will see some action.

Tuesday 4 January 2011

The first blog of the year

I is now January 2011. Christmas in Dunfermline was lovely. However when I return home, I have mixed feelings. It is nice to be in my own flat, doing my own thing and having a car again is great. However, I have no family here. That gives me a certain feeling of emptiness. However I do have friends here and that is good. I have life here that is community based that I did not have in Dunfermline.

There are things I would love to achieve this year, but will it happen? I have just about got the first day at work in and that has been nice and I am looking forward to the summer when my nieces plan to come and visit me. I love them very much. They have not been here since they were children.

There will be changes here on the the team. The big change will be in how we are renumerated.

I feel the need to get into gods word more. Some recent events have shown me why the apostle paul emphasised love so much. I could be the most talented person in the world but if I do not love people then I am useless and a liability.

Yesterday, I finaly did what I have thought about for many years. I bought a slow cooker so that I can have meals ready when I go home. I tried it out last night and it was lovely.