Sunday 7 November 2010

The little things in life

I have been looking back over my life so far and realises that things that seemed every day or very small were in fact very significant. There came a point where I had my degree and sent in a letter to the C of S to get an application form that I thought would mark the start of entering the ministry. It landed on the desk of my former minister. This in its self is very unusual. He talke to me as a friend and advised me against it saying he did not think I would make a good pastor. The decision however was mine. As I thought that I would need his support, I with some reluctance decided to look at missions instead. After a long process here I am having been in a mission for 15 years. That conversation was the start of it. it was short, but life changing. Sometimes God in his providece leads us in way that we do not expect. I can testify to that.

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