Monday 25 October 2010

Last weekend

Last weekend was lonely, but lovely

I went out on Saturday evening with a family to a meeting on the reformation. Their 2 year old daughter wanted to take my hand and lead her into the building. I thought that was lovely.

The meeting was good, but not as well attended as I would like. We the church have lost our way. Many so called evangelicals welcomed the Pope. It is as though we have no concept of what the Roman Catholic church teaches. The accept the need for faith, but it is alway faith plus something else. They do not depend on christs work on the cross and his resurrection alone.

The next day was nice. We were at the same familys home and the 2 year old and two of her sisters played with me. In the morning the 4 year old played with me outside the chapel and then sat on the wall with her head on my shoulder. It reminded me of my nieces and how they played with me as children. It was just lovely.

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