Tuesday 26 October 2010

George Dances

I do dance you know, and tonight at rehearsal, I expect that I will be dancing. We are doing Pride and Prejudice and I am playing Sir William Lucas. This should be fun

Sticking your tongue out

Someone stuck her tongue out at me today. To be fair, I did that back to her. Somehow we have become friends, which is lovely. Perhaps we are a little closer than we once were.

Monday 25 October 2010

Last weekend

Last weekend was lonely, but lovely

I went out on Saturday evening with a family to a meeting on the reformation. Their 2 year old daughter wanted to take my hand and lead her into the building. I thought that was lovely.

The meeting was good, but not as well attended as I would like. We the church have lost our way. Many so called evangelicals welcomed the Pope. It is as though we have no concept of what the Roman Catholic church teaches. The accept the need for faith, but it is alway faith plus something else. They do not depend on christs work on the cross and his resurrection alone.

The next day was nice. We were at the same familys home and the 2 year old and two of her sisters played with me. In the morning the 4 year old played with me outside the chapel and then sat on the wall with her head on my shoulder. It reminded me of my nieces and how they played with me as children. It was just lovely.

Thursday 21 October 2010

i blog. I really do

I think that some people on the team were surprised today to find out that I am very much a social networker. I am on facebook. From time to time I twitter and here I am bloggging. Is there no end to my communication talent?

Monday 18 October 2010

On the Attfiield theatre Committee

I am now on the theatre Committee. Can you believe it?

On the Attfiield theatre Committee

I am now on the theatre Committee. Can you believe it?

After the fire

I went with my friend to see, "After the Fire" on Saturday. It was a good concert. There were two other bands and a girl soloist. The event sponsored the Dalit Freedom Network. I found it interesting to see this work from a different perspective. We got talking to the lead vocalist of ATF and he reallys seems to know his stuff about mission and Bangladesh in particular.

It was a well polished performance and it seems to me that most of the songs tell stories.

the work of the Dalits was well presented. Probably one of the best presentations I have seen. The manner in which they are treated on their own country is shamefull and we should be more aware of it.

Thursday 14 October 2010


I saw film at the Attfield Theatre called "Restrepo". It is about soldiers in afghanistan and how the death of the medical officer.

At one point in the film the commanding officer allows time for the men to pray. These men are literally in a life and death situation so it seemed to me that most of them did pray. The audience saw the effect that death has on them. One soldier could be seen wailing the death of one of his comrades. The film was made in the Korengal Valley. It is simply a look at how soldiers really are. I think that they face things emotionally that will never leave them

Friday 8 October 2010

House manager

I have enjoyed being house manager this week. It gives me a chance to talk to people.

I have met my daughter. Oh yes, I have one between now and the middle of December. We are doing Pride and Prejudice, I will play Sir William Lucas and she will be playing Charlotte.

She likes to talk about history and so do I.

Oh well, out for a curry tonight and party tomorrow.

the ache

The ache is on the rise again. It is always there, but it is definetely on the rise again. Lets see what God does about it.

I could get paid for this

Someone has suggested I could get paid for blogging. I was considering it anyway, so if that person who suggested it gets back to me, I will give it some serious consideration once I have satified myself that this is not a scam or would connect me with things I would object to. The idea of being paid for something I enjoy appeals to me.

Wednesday 6 October 2010


I am front of house this week. At one time, I did not think that I would enjoy that, but it gives me a chance to talk to people. It builds relationships and sometimes gives me a chance to talk about spiritual things. It also adds to my social life. I love the people in the theatre very much.

Next time, I am in the cast of Pride and Prejudice. I am really looking forward to that.

Friday 1 October 2010

one person

It is amazing what God can do with one person. The apostle paul, was one man who inspired others to plant churches. He communicated with those churches and much of what he wrote to them is in the New testament and ministers to us today. How many Billions of people in his day and down through the ages have come to the lord through what that man said and wrote? Could he have conceived of the number of languages his letters would have been translated into and that people would still be reading them centuries later?

I do not expect to make a contribution to the lords work on that scale, but I do expect to influence people. Think about it.