Thursday 15 July 2010

I am in a couple of films

Last week, I participated in film being made by a child. It is called "Journey To Babylon" and I played Nebucudnezzar. Today, I was suddenly asked to be interviewed for a film about OM that will be part of the celebration weekend. I found doing that interview a very interesting and thought provoking experience, especially when asked what challenges there are. I finally decided to talk about communication and what a challenge that is. When pressed I said that only today, I told someone that if I know something, I think everyone knows it. However, they may not if I have not communicated it.

Monday 12 July 2010

Drip drip drip, again

Today has been one of those days again when it is drip drip drip and I wonder just how valued I really am. I know it will pass, but frankly as I know what I am doing and have bags of experience, why is it that nobody asks if what they want from me is possible or how long it will take? This is not new, it has gone on over a number of years and here we are back at this again. If someone were to ask how I was doing spiritually, my answer would be determined on how a look at things and how the questions was put. If it were in the context of church, I would say, great, because there I still feel fed and challenged and the fellowship is great. Outside of church, I would have to say patchy. Sad, but that is the truth, but then that has to be expected. Life is not a rose garden and we have to expect that we will have problems. I trust that in it all I will see Gods faithfulness and that I do have value to him.

Joash in the Cellar

I think I am like Joash the keeper of the cellar in chronicles. He faithfully got on with the Job of keeping the oil. It would be an unseen job, but he did it faithfully. In my job, I hope I am faithfull, that I do it for the lord and to the best of my ability even in the face of adversity.

Joash probably could not forsee that his name would be recorded in the Bible. My name is in the Lambs book of life

Wednesday 7 July 2010

George Verwers visit

Today George Verwer visited. If I take one thing out of this visit, it is gratitude. He says that tens of thousands of christian workers in the USA have been layed off. Presumably because of the recession, yet here am I so far, still here. I may struggle, but I am still going. It was just so uplifting.

Monday 5 July 2010

The psalm

No good thing, will he with hold from those whose walk is upright. This is about trusting the lord and expecting him to give good things.