Sunday 14 March 2010

Mud and the Jewish thing

I filled in a CRB form this morning. It should be ok, but it is also and opportunity to find out if mud from false allegations sticks. When you have been falsely accused, the feeling of "What will people think" stays with you. It is like feeling guilty when you know that you are not, but you look like you are and there is nothing you can do about it. A few years ago when I was on holiday with friend in Jersey, he refered back to the accusations. Far from being at hill of beath that night I had been in cairneyhill in his house, so his family vouched for me. He told me something that he had not told me at the time. He told me that his fathers boss had been uncle to the girl who brought the accusation, and his father had been put under a lot of pressure to change his story. I loved Johny, I had not known until I was told this just how much I owed to that man. My reputation would have gone down the pan without him. I think that accusations would have stuck without him.

Lets see what comes of it now, is there a stain against my character?

The Jewish thing happened again last night. I was watching a film I had never heard of on TV called, "In Her Shoes" and the jewish thing happened at the end. It also happened again this morning. I have started to think it is part of the hemming in. I could go another way and if I had my way, I would have gone another way a long time ago, but never the less a good way. However, Good is not the same as the best and I think God wants the best for me.

The jewish thing also happened this morning and so far it has happened every day.

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