Wednesday 31 March 2010

The Tardis

I know this sounds daft, but it is fun. I have another TARDIS. Someone was putting out Doctor who videos, dvds and books and there was a tardis. All this was given to our Scottish Regional coordinator and she gave them to me. I am just as pleased as punch to have a good size tardis.

Tuesday 30 March 2010


Yesterday did not go according to plan on health issues, so now I am searching around.

Monday 22 March 2010


Yesterday was a very moving day for me. I went with Andy to Magull baptist church. He did his job, and I was there for the ride to see old friends. It was lovely to see them again. It was great to have a meal with them and to laugh with them. They also invited two young ladies. One was a local girl who had suffered anorexia but had recovered, the other came from Angola and some of her relatives had been shot. I really felt for both of them in their suffering.

The church was bigger then I thought and when clair did her presentation in the evening, I thought she got a good response.

It was for me a memorable day.

On the way there, the Jewish thing happened and it happened again in the meetings.

Monday 15 March 2010

The jewish thing yet again

There I was this evening in the foye, stewarding for the theatre, when I heard a woman who was looking at the cast photos say, "Wayne Looks Jewish". Indeed he does in the hat that he is wearing. I do however now accept that these things are happening to me on a daily basis and God in his goodness is continuing to hem me in. It is not just my mind at work ( though I have considered that). It reasures me. It does however make me wonder what lies ahead. I look with anticipation.

The lambs book of life

God according to Revelation has two books. He has the Lambs book of life and those who are elect have thier names written in it. This should cause us to rejoice. He also has a book that records our deeds. This should spur us on to more Godliness.

Sunday 14 March 2010

Mud and the Jewish thing

I filled in a CRB form this morning. It should be ok, but it is also and opportunity to find out if mud from false allegations sticks. When you have been falsely accused, the feeling of "What will people think" stays with you. It is like feeling guilty when you know that you are not, but you look like you are and there is nothing you can do about it. A few years ago when I was on holiday with friend in Jersey, he refered back to the accusations. Far from being at hill of beath that night I had been in cairneyhill in his house, so his family vouched for me. He told me something that he had not told me at the time. He told me that his fathers boss had been uncle to the girl who brought the accusation, and his father had been put under a lot of pressure to change his story. I loved Johny, I had not known until I was told this just how much I owed to that man. My reputation would have gone down the pan without him. I think that accusations would have stuck without him.

Lets see what comes of it now, is there a stain against my character?

The Jewish thing happened again last night. I was watching a film I had never heard of on TV called, "In Her Shoes" and the jewish thing happened at the end. It also happened again this morning. I have started to think it is part of the hemming in. I could go another way and if I had my way, I would have gone another way a long time ago, but never the less a good way. However, Good is not the same as the best and I think God wants the best for me.

The jewish thing also happened this morning and so far it has happened every day.

Friday 12 March 2010

God will make a way

Today, as I was sitting at my Pc, I heard one of my collegues passing by singing "God will Make a way where there seems to be no way". I first heard this during a visit to Logos II.

I often if I am being honest pray for things and think that it is impossible, yet I am trusting God to make a way and somehow deal with my unbelief.

I feel that he gives me little bits of encouragement that I need every day.

I saw a letter going out today and the first line of it was unusual to say the least, but the sight of it was such and encouragement to me.

I dont believe it

The Jewish thing has happened again. Last night I did something I rarely do. I bought a local newspaper to read about a local incident. However, in the middle of the paper was a photo of young people, one was holding a flag for the UN, another for China and another for Isreal. I caught myself exclaiming, " I dont believe it". The chances of this happening to me must me thousands to one against.

This morning was also one of those rare occassions where thought for the day caught my attention. It was by Lord Sachs the chief rabbi.

Tuesday 9 March 2010

The jewish thing again and SGA

The jewish thing happed to me last night and again this morning. I watched "The Good Wife" and it was about jews, this mornings news on the radio is again about jews. I feel this for me is a prompting from the Lord.

I am really looking forward to tomorrow nights meeting with the Slavic Gospel association. I find that attending such things gives me perspective. When you are in a missions organisation, it is easy to get so wrapped up in your own work that you have no idea what other people or organisations are doing to serve the lord and I find that it is good for me to know.

Monday 8 March 2010

New Office and Jewish things.

The glass frames of my new office are up. Yet more change and the one constant factor over the past 15 years has been me.

I still feel God is hemming me in. Pushing me in the direction he would have me go. The subject of jewish things seems to crop up, especially over the past few days. I find that I am taking more and more of an interest in things like Jewish festivals. I recently discovered that there is one that marks the deliverance by Esther. I intend to lead a series in this book after the Easter break. I am really looking forward to that.