Friday 23 October 2009


Yesterday, was an interesting day. I had arranged with our new local Police woman that one of her collegues ( A man in plain clothes) would come to our office and simply walk in the back door and walk around the office and note what he could have stolen if he were a thief. He came with a bag, a reminder that he could steal a lap top. If and when he were challenged, he would ask for me. He was in the building for 25 minutes before he was challenged.

I wonder if there are things in my life that could do with challenging? I certainly want to continue to grow spiritualy. There have been times when I thought that had stagnated. I was wrong, and indeed I find refreshment in the things I read. However, like all believers, there is that inner struggle, and the danger of becoming comfortable with things in my life that should be challenged and I refer to little things. Little things however can grow. You can become so used to them that living with them does not seem a problem.

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