Thursday 29 October 2009

George Verwer was here

George Verwer was at Quinta today and during his address he mentioned london and how we still need a key person there. If God gives me the chance, I would love to be part of the team there as I think that would make greater use of my capabilities. I need a change. I am spiritually tired. Who knows what may happen?

Wednesday 28 October 2009

Desperate Prayer

I read a long time ago that God answers desperate prayer. If that is true then I am desperate.

Police Report

I spent a short time today copying the police report that I have in preperation for Mondays leadership meeting. We are sitting ducks, we need to take security more seriously. I trust that at the end of the meeting, there are some things in the report that will be implemented.

George Verwer

Tomorrow will be a bit different to most Thursdays. George Verwer will be visiting and addressing the team. What he has to say is usualy uplifting and worth hearing, so I am rather looking forward to it.

Tuesday 27 October 2009

A risk

Yesterday, gifts will have been delivered. I await to see the outcome. I also got an interesting phone call from F.

the team leader is going to back the police report I have recieved

Our f0under is going to visit us on Thursday.

Friday 23 October 2009


Yesterday, was an interesting day. I had arranged with our new local Police woman that one of her collegues ( A man in plain clothes) would come to our office and simply walk in the back door and walk around the office and note what he could have stolen if he were a thief. He came with a bag, a reminder that he could steal a lap top. If and when he were challenged, he would ask for me. He was in the building for 25 minutes before he was challenged.

I wonder if there are things in my life that could do with challenging? I certainly want to continue to grow spiritualy. There have been times when I thought that had stagnated. I was wrong, and indeed I find refreshment in the things I read. However, like all believers, there is that inner struggle, and the danger of becoming comfortable with things in my life that should be challenged and I refer to little things. Little things however can grow. You can become so used to them that living with them does not seem a problem.

Tuesday 20 October 2009

taking a risk

Yesterday and tomorrow, I am taking a slight risk. I want to be a blessing to someone, and I need to take some risk in order to do that. I hope that the books and magazines I give to them will be uplifting and informative and a great encouragement to them.

Monday 12 October 2009

Ships presentation team

Yesterday, the ships presentation team were at church. Another church who were staying at Quinta Hall visited. It was really good. It was good for the team, good for the church and I am just so pleased.

Unfortunately the batteries in my camera started to die, so Digby took some photos of me with the team on his phone. I wore my kilt for the occassion. The photos are on facebook