Tuesday 22 September 2009

taking the lords name in vain

yesterday, we were discussing taking the lords name in vain. It is likely that our understanding of this is not the original, but comes from the 19th and 20th Centurys. Gods names reflect his character and perhaps this command is to us to reflect Gods character. Gods names are who he is.

Tuesday 15 September 2009

Call from the Gideons

Today I got a phone call from the Gideons. They have had my testimony on file and now they are considering using it in their national magazine for an article on reaching out to schools. I am thrilled that they are even considering it. If they go ahead with this, I really hope that it is an inspiration to those who are doing the schools work now. Somewhere out there there could be present day pupils that God want to call to himself through recieving a new testament.

Monday 14 September 2009

How long Oh lord?

I am just, so bored. I really need more that will stretch me and use my tallent. In the meantime I need to be faithfull with what has given me, and then see what happens from here.

Tuesday 8 September 2009

I wonder

As usual, I woke up this morning feeling that empitness, and yet at the same time a lot of encouragement from the lord which I also experience every day. I wonder what lies ahead? Is God preparing me for something? Am I changing? If I am I hope it is for the better.

I am reminded of a story that George Philip told. He came to what is now my sending church to visit us and in particular the minister who had come from his church. He told us what the first five years of his ministry was like. It was awful and having fulfilled the first compulsory five years, every week he got into the pulpit, said the opening prayer and then looked for a vacancy committee. Having done this for some time, he reached the conclusion that God wanted him to change and so he did. Having made this decision he got into the pulpit the following sunday and he saw a vacancy committee. He took great delight in telling them he was not interested.

I however am not in his circumstances, and I am not new, I have been in OM for 15 years, but I do feel a need to be refreshed.

Wednesday 2 September 2009

The weekend

Last weekend, I was at the windyhills golf club with the rest of my family celebrating Betty and Charlies Golden Wedding. It was good, but the next day I met with a friend in Glasgow, whos friend committed suicide. It was sad to see him so distressed. I need to increase the contact I hae with him and I will also be talking to one of his other freinds whom I know a bit.