Monday 2 March 2009

The Great Flood and Salvation

It is just as well that I was at home at lunchtime today. The toilet above my kitchen overflowed and the water came down through the ceiling into my kitchen at the light. I managed to stop it before there was any serious damage. Thus endeth this paragraph on the flood

Saturday night at ST Giles in Wrexham was very uplifting. The Salvation Army played modern music and the soloist was Charlie Green who came second in Britains got tallent. To see so many youngsters in school choirs really enjoying themselves was great.

I did not know that a couple of freinds and their church would be there. I was pleased to see them as I have to go to such events alone. In fact I have to do practicaly everything alone, ie go to the theatre, go to the cinema, go on holiday. One man I consulted reminded me that when you are alone, holidays are not a lot of fun. How true.

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