Tuesday 31 March 2009

Logos Hope Has Arrived

I watched Logos Hope arrive at the Ocean Terminal at Lieth.

I am really looking forward to the weekend.

Wednesday 25 March 2009

Money and gods Provision

With things the way they are, we are starting times of prayer for money every day looking ever to the lord in these times when supporters have less.

I am trying to do my bit in support raising.

I have a meeting to that effect next week

I am reminded that scripture says, "You do not have because you do not ask".

I can think of things I have asked for a long time and I still do not have, but what can I learn from that. When will the lord finaly deliver? I waited a long time and against the odds for an opportunity for baptism, and it happened. I also waited a long time to get where I am, that also happened. What next?

Tuesday 24 March 2009


I am sending out Lots of Global Magazines and Heartbeat prayer letters. The Logos Hope is featured on the front of global. It will surely become a collectors piece.

The ship arrives in Edinburgh on the 1st of April and is open to the public on the 2nd. I intend to be there for the first weekend.

That Sinking Feeling

I have that sinking feeling. Of becoming slightly depressed again because I am alone. It is like Peter seeing the lord upon the water and Jesus called to him and Peter walked upon the water, then looked around and began to sink.

I got an email from a friend last night. I am surprised slightly at what she said, but there is anotehr part of me that is pleased for her. She had IVF treatment and is now pregnant with twins.

Thursday 19 March 2009


My account on fusion came down yesterday. Strangely enough, I find that liberating. The lord was clearly blocking me on it, so I saw no point in going on with it. It is what I call hemming in. Hemming in to where I wonder.

Monday 16 March 2009

Sifting Me

Devotions was interesting this morning. When Jesus was talking to Peter and said Satan has asked to sift you, but I have prayed for you, he meant that Satan had asked to sift all of them, not just Peter, but when he said to Peter, I have prayed for you, he meant Peter as an individual. Jesus is praying for us now as individuals. That means he prayes for me and my needs and what I face. That is an awsome thought. It expresses his love and concern.

Wednesday 11 March 2009

PE Day

Tomorrow is PE day. (Prayer Emphasis Day) and my group are leading it. I will be presenting the subject of support raising. We all have to do it, and tomorrow afternoon we are expected to do something about it. I have prepared something for me to sent out to people I knew in the past. I plan to put it on facebook and see what happens. I have sent a letter to my church and that has produced a small positive result.

There is of course the need for prayer as well as the things that need to be done.


I had a Eureka moment today. Strangely enough I had it in the toilet. The toilet had nothing to do do with it, I just happened to be in there and I suddenly realised something. I saw it somewhat differently and in a way that I hope is correct. It gave me a little lift

Wrestling with God

I read last night that Jacob wrestled with God and would not let go until God blessed him. I am wrestling with God in prayer. Will I prevail? I ask this question because right now I am in a state of being disappointed, it is not a lack of trust. I desperately need him to do something for me. I need his blessing. I cannot get what I need for myself. At the end of the day, I need God.

Friday 6 March 2009

Hemming Me In

I can still see that the lord is hemming me in, and just to confirm it, it has come up in my private bible study and It has also come up at church. When it came up at church, it was in the context of guidance. Sometimes the lord hems us in so that we go in a particular direction. I can see that this is happening to me and I can also see that this path will take some time, but I am not as frustrated, or as downcast as I was. In fact I think I am rather better company than I have been for some time. God is good to me, he has picked me up. I see his love and care to me.

Monday 2 March 2009

The Great Flood and Salvation

It is just as well that I was at home at lunchtime today. The toilet above my kitchen overflowed and the water came down through the ceiling into my kitchen at the light. I managed to stop it before there was any serious damage. Thus endeth this paragraph on the flood

Saturday night at ST Giles in Wrexham was very uplifting. The Salvation Army played modern music and the soloist was Charlie Green who came second in Britains got tallent. To see so many youngsters in school choirs really enjoying themselves was great.

I did not know that a couple of freinds and their church would be there. I was pleased to see them as I have to go to such events alone. In fact I have to do practicaly everything alone, ie go to the theatre, go to the cinema, go on holiday. One man I consulted reminded me that when you are alone, holidays are not a lot of fun. How true.