Monday 24 November 2008

The future is the solution

At devotions this morning, we were given some bad news that I will not repeat here. However we were also reminded that in the bible, God reminded the people of Isreal of how he brought them out of Egypt. They were also looking to the future God had for them. Next years Teen St is entitled,"Impossible" Without Faith it is impossible to please God. This is a word that I have thought of a lot recently as I ponder my own longings. I have said to the lord that it is Impossible for me, but I also bear in mind that with God all things are possible. I need to e honouring him and concerened with my sin. Just as the people of Iseal looked back to see Gods faithfulness so that they could look to the future, so I need to do likewise. The future is just as much a part of solving the present as the past is. Indeed if I am dominated by past failure, it will overwhelm me.

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