Friday 28 November 2008

The weekend and finding a good woman

I am going to Dunblane for the weekend to the Scottish Wycliffe Bible Translators conference. I hope to have a discussion with a certain man here about my need to find a wife at my time of life. He had the same experience until he met his wife. I am praying God will do something for me. I believe he is doing something that I as yet cannot see.


Today we looked at thewoman caught in adultery who was brought to Jesus, and seeking to trap him they asked that as this woman was caught in adultery, what had he to say about stoning her as the law of Moses commanded. Jesus wrote on the ground and said, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone". One by one they left and Jesus asked the woman if there was anyone left to condemn her, she said no, Jesus said, "Then neither do I condemn you, go and leave your life of sin". Is that not wonderfull?

We also read all of Hebrews 11. This is about Faith and for that woman to be forgiven, she had to be given faith. All of Hebrews 11 is about faith. I am praying for someone to be given faith.

Monday 24 November 2008

The future is the solution

At devotions this morning, we were given some bad news that I will not repeat here. However we were also reminded that in the bible, God reminded the people of Isreal of how he brought them out of Egypt. They were also looking to the future God had for them. Next years Teen St is entitled,"Impossible" Without Faith it is impossible to please God. This is a word that I have thought of a lot recently as I ponder my own longings. I have said to the lord that it is Impossible for me, but I also bear in mind that with God all things are possible. I need to e honouring him and concerened with my sin. Just as the people of Iseal looked back to see Gods faithfulness so that they could look to the future, so I need to do likewise. The future is just as much a part of solving the present as the past is. Indeed if I am dominated by past failure, it will overwhelm me.

Thursday 20 November 2008

Down in the doldrums

It is amazing how the human heart can go from one thing to the next. I can be high or low. On Monday after devotions, I was high, today after reading a certain email I am low, so what is it that I trust in. Do I look at circumstances, or do I trust in the lord. I am praying for someones salvation and also for the biggest personal thing I have ever asked the lord for all my life and I need guidance, wisdom and I have asked God for whatever he is going to do, to do if quickly as I need it. I have no idea how my prayers will be answered.

Monday 17 November 2008


It is Monday and this mornings devotions were about confidence in prayer. It covered everything that I have been reading and thinking about on this subject lately. it was a good encouragement.


It is Monday and this mornings devotions were about confidence in prayer. It covered everything that I have been reading and thinking about on this subject lately. it was a good encouragement.

Tuesday 11 November 2008

On Facebook

I invited a certain man to be one of my friends on facebook. I saw a certain womans face on his friends list and decided to contact her. Lets see if she accepts. If not, then that is Ok. I find increasingly that I need to rely on Gods goodness and his providence in all circumstances. Right now there is that aching void in my life that can only be filled by a good christian wife and it is in that respect that I look to the lord.

Monday 10 November 2008

Praying for other people

I am praying for a certain person that they may be saved. On Saturday the 8th of November I felt compelled to pray that God would spiritualy awaken her that day. I thought, how can I have the gaul to ask God to do something today? However, it seemed right, so I did. Later that day I came across an article that I have had for many years about prayer, but I had long forgotten the details of that are in it. To my astonishment, it had two examples of people whom God motivated to pray about things that were happening in other parts of the world at that very moment. If God could do that, then there was nothing wrong with asking him to bring about a persons spiritual awakening before the day was out.

Writing a Letter

I write a letter to my supporters as regularly as I can. I came up with the word Jottings as part of the title for it as just like this blog, I jot things down just as they are happening. Today for example I wrote about the workmen digging up the path outside my office to lay the foundation for what will be a conservatory, (Walkway) I was not expecting this today, but as it happened today, I wrote it down. I hope that at least a few will read the letter and from it they may find their way to this blog.

The Noise Outside My Office

Today the work started on the extension to the office. There are a couple of workmen outside my office digging up the path so that the foundations can be layed.

Thursday 6 November 2008

In the wren

I have now seen the article about me that will appear in the village news letter. I find it rather touching. It is rather interesting to read about ones self from someone elses point of view.

Tuesday 4 November 2008

A down day

there is a passage in the bible that says, "Hope Deferred Makes the heart sick, but when the desire comes it is a tree of life. I knew that after last Fridays uplifting message I heard on Premier Radio that there would be a downside as I pray ferverntly and today is one of those down days. I pray that whatever the lord does, he does it quickly for I desperately need it.

Sometimes It seems to me that Gods word says one thing and experience is another. The big question is, How much do I really trust the lord?