Friday 24 October 2008


I decided to put a profile on facebook and it contains a link to this blog. Who knows who or what is out there in cyber space.

I do not see this blog as a substitute for personal communication. I have done a great deal of that over the years and I intend to continue to do so, but for those who know little about me, then perhaps this is an introduction.

I joined the organisation that I work for having applied for a good number of others and was either rejected, OR there came a point where I decided that I would not fit in and I backed out. I was in recept of a monthly letter from the organisation that I now work for. One day the letter asked us to pray for people to joine the team. I prayed for OTHER PEOPLE, not me to join the team, but the next month when the letter came, it had details about the jobs and I thought, "I could do that", so I applied and here I am today.


Unknown said...

This message is a test

Pam Kingsley said...

And this one is not a test! Welcome to the 21st century George :-) Blog looks good so far, I'll bookmark you!