Thursday 28 January 2016

OMUK the final day

Tomorrow will be the final day of OMUK as we know it and a merged OMUK will begin on Monday.

Monday 25 January 2016

God's Kaliedoscope it out

Last week, I received my 200 copies of my book, "Gods Kaleidoscope"  Now I am working with the publisher on the publicity.  The next difficult bit is distribution.

Wednesday 20 January 2016

My book is published

My book is published. Today, I received the 200 copies of it that I payed for.  The publisher still has to do the distribution so that there is a stock for people to buy, but I am now up and running. At last, I am a published author.

Tuesday 19 January 2016


I have been assured that I should have the 200 copies of my book by the end of next week.  I have contacted the Evangelical Times about reviewing it.  I need wisdom in how to promote it.

Monday 18 January 2016

Meaning - featuring Sinclair Ferguson

Jogging in Dunfermline High street at night

I was in Dunfermline for a funeral. I drove up on Thursday Night and decided to ago all the way into the town for a walk. It was dark and I could see people jogging in the high street up and down it.  At first, I thought that it was a fund raising event.  However as I walked up the street and could see that they ran up the street, turned round and ran back down again and there were no boxes or bins for collecting money, it was clearly not for fund raising.  It was just jogging. Some of them in my view ran at great speed for joggers.

As I continued to walk up the street, watching them,  a man passing by going the opposite way said to me, "Aye its the rush hour right enough". I just had to laugh.


Gods kaliedoscope Commercial School

Christmas Day 2015

Gods Kaliedoscope North Parish Hall

Monday 11 January 2016

merger, book and funeral

We have a big meeting this week about the merger.  This is by far the biggest change I have seen in all my years in OM and there are uncertanties.

I have also borrowed some money on my credit card to pay the balance of what I owe the pubisher to get my book published as soon as I can.  I am really looking forward to that..

I will also be at aunt Isabels funeral on Friday.