Friday 25 September 2015


It is true that people do not want to listen to sound doctrine. I am not surpised. the Pope is in America and this has started a discussion on blogs.  Many support the Pope and those of us who expose the RC church for what it is are branded Catholic haters of they quote verses of the bible with no context or do not reply to messages where the scripture is not difficult to understand that the Galatians were being deceived by those who added circumcision to the gospel.

Monday 21 September 2015

Friends 1st can you believe it?

I got a letter from Friends 1st this morning.  I had paid them off earlier in the year to get rid of them and here they were writing to me to ask me to join again.  Their expensive dating package would be free to me if I rejoined and rewriting my profile which would cost £85 would also be free.  A few months ago it cost £75, so it has gone up in price. 

the woman whose company this is grew up in the RC church and just reading what she says about herself, she is now in the church of England, and I have to conclude that she is not converted.  She is even married to an RC and sometimes goes with him to his church, so that tells me that she has not grasped the gospel and yet she recommends other people may consider members of the RC church.

I have once again told them to remove my details and they assure me they have.

Friday 4 September 2015

dick dowsett at forum

Dick Dowsett spoke at forum on missions last night.  The meeting started with a girl asking the students to put their hands up to the following questions

are you chinese?
do you have any chinese friends?
have you ever seen any chinese on your campus?

By the time she finished, most hands were raised. the point was that they had the chance to introduce Jesus to the chinese while they are studying in the UK

Dick basically did not tell them to go on short term mission.  He told them to witness on their campuses

He also said some foreign students do not feel welcome.  He likened it to the Flanders and Swan song,"The English the English the English are best, I wouldnt give tuppence for all of the rest".  He claimed some foreign students feel that way.  They witness to them, but they are made to feel that they are not as good.

He also said he met one young man who wanted to go into missions, but would go to a country on holiday to see if he liked it.  Dick said that he would wait a long time to see if he liked it.  What was needed was a passion for the lost.

Finally he encouraged them to get on with mission now on their campuses

I was also interested hear that in Russian and slovakia one cannot officially have religious activities on campus.  One almost got into trouble having the Alpha Course.