Wednesday 21 May 2014

Children in the church

We welcomed three children into the membership of the church last night. It was great to read their testimonies and hear why they wanted to join the church. Gordon Booth prayed for young people. God is answering that prayer after Gordons earthly life has passed.

Tuesday 20 May 2014


It is my birthday today

Friday 16 May 2014


We are changing franking machines in a couple of weeks. After about five years ( Perhaps six) there is a service the present one cannot do, so we are changing.

Tuesday 13 May 2014

the weekend and endorsements.

the weekend concerts with Rob Halligan and Not Completely Blonde were great. I loved every second of them. I hope we can repeat it all next year. I loved the choirs and I had never spoken to Hugh before. This evening I am returning for the art exhibition. Also GV has endorsed my book. I have now sent a couple of chapter to SF to see if he will also endorse it.

Wednesday 7 May 2014

A visit

I had three visitors today. Two very small ones and a big one. Colin Wilson came as his wife vicky was attending a meeting in North Wales. He brought the children, Samuel and Pheobe with him. It was good to see them. As usual we talked about our mutual friend Jimmy. Colin is also not getting any replies from him.

Tuesday 6 May 2014


It was a good Rally on Saturday. We went to the standing stones and I filmed it. I took a good number of pictures. It is good to connect with Christians from all over the UK. It was good to see people I have met before. It was also good to meet new people. there was a girl who was on holiday staying with a couple who brought her. She is from Namibia. When I took them to the OM meeting room she took more free literature than anyone else. She had never heard of OM. Who knows what God may do in her life as a result of coming here?

Friday 2 May 2014

Rob Halligan - Can Anyone Hear


On my first day in OM, I accompanied a disabled man on my way to debron. He was driving and picking up passengers at an airport and he needed someone to go into the arrivals lounge to meet the passengers. I volunteered to do this. It was by doing this that I met Peter Magnusson. He and his family are currently here on Holiday and I have just picked them up from a marina and taken them to a railway station. Doing things for people has unplanned blessings. You get to know and love them