Monday 24 June 2013

P led devotions

P led us in devotions today. I do not think he is a great speaker, but I always find that what he has to say is well worth hearing.  I always feel that I know more about him and the things that God has taught him and it is such blessing to me.  He told us about how his family were in Africa where he serviced a school and one day he was told that his job would change. He was very hurt.  I have known such hurt, but just like Job, I have come through.

I think Ps experiences have made him a humble man who is probably more capable than most of us realise and I admire him.

Friday 21 June 2013


There is just something lovely about having a five year old girl smiling into your face and talking and whom you know loves you and you love her in return.  It is fun to make her laugh.  Jesus told us that unless we become like  child, we cannot enter heaven.  A child is trusting, obedient and learning all the time and has to accept discipline

Thursday 20 June 2013

Book and Walmart

Walmart, whom I believe own Asda were mentioned in book distribution by this mornings speaker. He is at the ships office in the USA and have book warehouse.

As I think about that warehouse, it is on that scale that when I finish my book, and find a publisher willing to publish it that I need to aim. I need to have a wide vision for its distribution

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Groundhog day

I love the film "Groundhog Day".  Bill Murray lives the same day over and over again.  In some ways, I am living in Groundhog day. An issue came up that I thought we had resolved a long time ago, but just like a bad smell, it is back

Friday 14 June 2013

The apostle Paul

The Apostle Paul



Recap on Luke. 

He was a detailer, a doctor. Only he records that the man with the withered hand had a withered right hand.

He accompanied the Apostle Paul on his missionary Journeys. 

He wrote the book of acts, therefore the details here about Paul are the things that Paul told Luke about himself

God Chooses people and calls them to himself, and sometimes he chooses the most unlikely people (Paul / Saul persecuted the church and was not likely person for God to choose, or so it would have seemed)

I am an unlikely person.  As a young man I did not enjoy church and was determined to have nothing to do with it. 
One day, I met a man (Gordon Jenkins) who impressed me, I sat under his teaching for many years and my view of church turned around.  I wanted to communicate the gospel to others, but I started out resisting it.

Paul persecuted the church.  I often wonder how he felt looking back at how he approved of the death of Steven.

When he was persecuted, imprisoned scorged and shipwrecked.  He would have known the thoughts of his persecuters for once they were his thoughts.

Ananias was to meet paul and to disciple him 
It is not surprising that he questioned the lord about this man for he knew that Paul persecuted the church

Note the lords reply
In Acts chapter 9 verse 15-16  God says. GO ( and you to will be going) For he is a chosen instrument of Mine, to bear my name before the gentiles and kings and sons of Israel, for I will show him how much he must suffer for my names sake.

The Jews were God’s chosen people, Now God was moving out choosing Gentiles and Paul was to be his instrument. To start this. 

Perhaps at this stage Paul did not know this, but it was certainly revealed to Ananias at this point.  Paul would have told luke and luke has written it down for us to read.

 I am deeply moved by TWO WORDS  in BROTHER SAUL

Saul must have wondered how he would have been received. To be called brother must have been such a relief and so welcoming to him.

Sometimes we may have to welcome the strangest brothers and sisters. Never the less, as God had choosen them then they are indeed brothers and sisters in Christ.( I am noted for being a bit strange myself)

Ananias greeted him as a brother.

Paul encountered many difficulties. There were times when he had to chastise the church because of sin, He had to courageously proclaim the lords name in the face of the enemy and he was a pioneer because he had to do something that had never been done before and was contrary to his culture.  He had to go to the gentiles. 

You may find that you have to do things contrary to your our culture.  You may find that brothers and sister even without meaning to will hurt you and you need to learn to forgive seventy times seven as jesus said. 

Paul knew that. He had to chastise and forgive fellow Christians and he had to forgive those who persecuted him and those who disappointed him by leaving him.

Yes sometimes there are disappointments we have to bear.

There will be challenges for you  I do not know what they will be,. But I have had my challenges. 

Tell the shelter story of the shelter

I could not have imagined then that I would be where I am now telling you this story to encourage you.  I have written the story for others on more than one occasion, It was painful that the time, yet probably one of the most useful things that ever happened to me. 

You have to believe that it is true that all things work together for good to those who love the lord, but that includes the hard things.

However, he was faithful to the end, and he did what God wanted him to do. And perhaps you will find yourself in situations where you feel tested and you cannot take any more.  May I encourage you to think of Paul and of Christ and how Paul was faithful and continued in the race.  Christ has called you, just as much as he called the Apostle Paul.  He promises that if you are faithful t him, he will be faithful to you, but he does not promise that it will be easy.

You will notice from the passages that I read that Paul spent a lot of time with the disciples and other believers before he went out.  I think it was in doing this that he got to know the lord better and it showed that although he was a great scholar he was still willing to learn.  We to must always be willing to learn, and in this life, if you are wise , you will go on learning.

Wednesday 5 June 2013

D day

Tomorrow is the anniversary of D Day.  I expect many old soldiers will mark it.  My father was 19 at the time and he was a conscript running up the beach with bullets flashing past him.  It must have been a frightening experience.

Monday 3 June 2013

Strong and sure

To my surprise, M has responded to my long letter.  I pray that she comes back to the lord strong and sure.

Forest Hill

I went to Forest Hill and met with C to talk about writing. He gave me a lot of advice on how to set about it and I am now jotting down ideas with a view to doing exactly what he suggested.

It is my intention that it will become a book