Tuesday 26 February 2013

last week

A week last Saturday in the very early hours of the morning, I was awoken by a phone call from the fire alarm.  I dressed and went in to the office and found that resetting it was in vain, it kept going off seconds later.  I silenced it.  I then found that one of the other alarms was sounding and the box for it had been dismanteled and I could not turn it off. I got a couple of other men involved in this and the upshot is that one of them dismantled the alarm to silence it.

Last week was really busy getting more than 6000 letter out for a Dalit Uniform appeal. The envelope was not quite up to the spec of the machine, but I managed it. 

Monday 18 February 2013

behind the door

On Friday, I sent a message to M, I have no idea what impact that will make until I see if there is a reply, but I never thought that I would have the opportunity to communicate with her at again, so I am thankful to God for it.  For all I know God may have diverted me from P for this very reason.  M reminds me very much of some of my own experiences very early in life, but she has the deepest love of the lord that I have seen in anyone.  She reminds me of the fact that those who have been forgiven much, also love much.
I have knocked on this door, I wonder what is behind it.

Friday 15 February 2013

Balaam and M

I preached on balaam today.

Today I will take  small risk and contact M ( not like james bond)  I am praying and I will see what happens if anything at all.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

A surprise

To my surprise, I found yesterday that M has returned to Facebook  I wonder if this is Gods providence.  .

The error, ( folly) of Balaam ( amended)

Numbers 22 the start of the main story

Numbers 31: 7-8 Balaams death

2nd Peter 2:14-16

Micah 6:5

Revelation 2:14 how Balaam cursed Israel


This story, concerns the second generation of Israel after they had left Egypt.  The first generation had disobeyed and God said they would all die in the wilderness, except Joshua and Caleb who had trusted the lord and tried to encourage the people. 

The next generation at this point are preparing to enter the land.  The first generation had failed to do so and now, as the second are about to do so, they were at the point where the first generation failed and there was opposition to be faced from Balak and his people.


I wonder if you have ever felt that somehow at a point in your life you failed the lord?  If you do, take heart.  Sometimes we have to live with it, but sometimes like he did with Israel, he brings us over time, back to that point having taught us some harsh lessons, and we are then ready for what lies ahead. God brought Israel back to the point where 40 years before, they had failed

Why were the Moabites afraid?

Let us look at Verse 4 (Read it)  From this  verse, I conclude that their reasons for fear were not fear of war. They were afraid that Israel would consume the resources of the land.  The reasons were economic

Israel would not have gone to war against Moab for Moab was descended from Lot

Moses was commanded by the lord not to fight them

We read the following in Deuteronomy Chapter 2

The lord said to me, “Do not harass Moab and provoke them to war, for I will not give you any of their land as your territory.  The reason is, I have given Ar to the descendants of Lot as their possession.”

We also read  in the same chapter, “ The lord said to me,” Today, you are going to cross the border of Moab, that is Ar, but when you come to the Ammonites, do not bother or provoke them, because I am not giving you any of the land of the Ammonites as your possession.  I have already given it to Lot’s descendants as their possession”

We see from these verses that Moab and the Ammonites were both descended from Lot, and God had given them their land because of this and they were safe. Moses would never have led his people war against them for God had forbidden it.

 Hence their fear was not war, but the consummation of the resources of the land.

Balaam had the dignitaries in his house.  This was the highest form of respect that he could have paid.  He really should not have had them in his house at all as they opposed Gods people.

1)      Balaam must have had a reputation for successfully cursing or blessing people or else Balak would never have sent for him. Balak sent influential people to persuade him.  In my view  Balaam liked to be courted by the powerful and influencial.  It made him feel important.
3)      Balaam was a powerful sorcerer.   In my view he was a mercenary, just like soldiers can be hired for fighting, Balaam was a mercenary in the sense that his services were for hire.

4)      When Balaam first speaks to God in this story, he is told that he shall not curse Israel for they are blessed nor should he go with Balaak as recorded in Verse 12.

That was a crystal clear command “DO NOT GO WITH THEM”.

Balaam used the lords name, Yahweh and not the name of some other God or some general term for God.  It is like saying God, some influencial people have come and asked me to Curse your people,  is that OK with you?

God Clearly says that he is not to go for they are blessed.

 Balaam tells Balak that the lord has not given leave for him to go with him.  NOTE NOT GIVEN LEAVE.  He did not say “I will not go with you and that is the end of the matter” He left himself open to persuasion

Therefore Balak sent even more high ranking people people to persuade him and what did he say? He said stay here while I see what more more the lord will say to me. 


Balaam already knew that the lord had commanded him not to go with Balak and the people of Israel were blessed.  Therefore that should have been the end of the matter. 

It seems to me that Balaam liked to be with people of power and influence and he liked money.

He tried to manipulate God in the same way that the pagan Gods could be manipulated.  He was manipulative in his answer by saying that he would see what more God had to say, and also in all the sacrifices that were made when he saw the people of Israel.

God then said that Balaam could go but speak only what he spoke.  ( Never the less God was angry with Balaam for going)

Balak sent his most important Dignitaries to persuade Balaam.  If the angel of the lord is the second person of the Godhead as I believe he was, then God sent his most awesome emissary to oppose him.
Balaam bows before him.  An angel would not require that.  An angel would have forbidden that as that was only for the lord.

The angel of the lord stood in the way of the ass ( Donkey) three times the animal turned aside and was beaten by Balaam.  On one occasion Balaams foot was crushed against a wall as the animal turned aside. 

One would have thought that Balaam at this point would reconsider, but he did not.  God in my view was giving Balaam three chances to do what was right.

This great caravan was on its way to Moab. The most important people were in it having persuaded this man whom they thought could persuade and control Gods looks like a fool because he cannot control his own donkey.

Finally God enabled the Donkey to speak.  I have never heard a donkey speak, but I think that if I did, that would definitely get my attention.

Balaam, the great sorcerer, the great seer, could not see the angel of the lord, but the Donkey did.  In fact god told him that the donkey had saved his life because if he had gone on he would have killed him but spared the donkey.

V34, Balaam acknowledges his sin and says he will return, however God tells him to go, but speak only what he is told.  Each time sever alters were built with oxen and rams to be sacrificed.  God did not tell Balaam to have alters built or have animals sacrificed. He only told him to speak.  I wonder if Balaam thought that God could be persuaded as he himself had been persuaded.  Perhaps the sacrifices would persuade God to let Balaam curse Israel.  (no they did not)

Sacrifices were made to God to cover sin, or to please the lord.

Balaam seems to obey the lord by only speaking what the lord spoke.  However for reasons that I am about to go into, I do not think he had a change of heart. This was all an outward appearance.  He still liked power and influence and money.

Let us look at  Numbers  31: 1-7

The LORD said to Moses, 2 "Take vengeance on the Midianites for the Israelites. After that, you will be gathered to your people." 3 So Moses said to the people, "Arm some of your men to go to war against the Midianites and to carry out the LORD's vengeance on them. 4 Send into battle a thousand men from each of the tribes of Israel." 5 So twelve thousand men armed for battle, a thousand from each tribe, were supplied from the clans of Israel. 6 Moses sent them into battle, a thousand from each tribe, along with Phinehas son of Eleazar, the priest, who took with him articles from the sanctuary and the trumpets for signaling. 7 They fought against Midian, as the LORD commanded Moses, and killed every man. 8 Among their victims were Evi, Rekem, Zur, Hur and Reba--the five kings of Midian. They also killed Balaam son of Beor with the sword.

I think Gods judgement fell upon Balaam in the manner of his death

Let us look at Micah 6:5

Balaam could only bless Israel

“ Oh my people, remember now that Balak, king of Moab consulted and what Balaam the son of Beor answered him from shittim unto Gilgal, that you may know the righteousness of the lord”

Balaams influence went well beyond his own lifetime

In Revelation 2:14,  John writing to the church at PERGAMOS,

He says that some of them hold to the doctrine of Balaam who taught the people to eat that which was forbidden, to sacrifice to Idols and to commit fornication”, and this was hundreds of years after Balaams lifetime yet john equates this with Balaam as going on with the church and it was shameful.

Peter also sites Balaam. In 2nd Peter 2: 14- 16

Peter says, “Having eyes full of adultery, and that cannot cease from sin, beguiling instable souls, an heart they have exercised with covetous practices, cursed children, which have forsaken the right way, and are gone astray, following the way of Balaam, the son of Bosor, who loved the wages of unrighteousness, but was rebuked for his iniquity The dumb ass speaking with man’s voice forbade the madness of the prophet.


1)      This should be a warning to us.  Our influence for good or ill, can go beyond our lifetime. We influence other people including the next generation, who in turn go on to influence other generations, and if we are not right with the lord and that which is wrong in us is passed on then we are to blame and the lord will hold us to account for it.

2)      Balak sought to flatter Balaam by saying, “Those whom you bless are bless and those whom you curse are cursed?”  Does that remind you of anything?
              It reminds me of how God said to Abraham, “I will bless those who bless you and curse those          who curse you”. 

         3) The truth was that God had blessed Israel and nobody could do anything about it. Not even Balaam

4) It is a terrible thing to be opposed to God and even if God does not bring his judgement    immediately, it does not follow that he will never judge.  Balaam was judged in the manner of his death.

5)      God is not a fool.  He is sovereign and cannot be manipulated by anyone.  His will is just and will prevail. It is we who are subject to his will, not the other way round

Tuesday 12 February 2013

The Folly of Balaam

Numbers 22 the start of the main story

Numbers 31: 7-8 Balaams death

2nd Peter 2:14-16

Micah 6:5

Revelation 2:14 how Balaam cursed Israel


Why were the Moabites afraid?

Let us look at Verse 4 (Read it)  From this  verse, I conclude that their reasons for fear were not fear of war. They were afraid that Israel would consume the resources of the land.  The reasons were ecomomic

Isreal would not have gone to war against Moab for Moab was descended from Lot

Moses was commanded by the lord not to fight them

We read the following in Deuteronomy Chapter 2

The lord said to me, “Do not harass Moab and provoke them to war, for I will not give you any of their land as your territory.  The reason is, I have given Ar to the descendants of Lot as their possession.”

We also read  in the same chapter, “ The lord said to me,” Today, you are going to cross the border of Moab, that is Ar, but when you come to the Ammonites, do not bother or provoke them, because I am not giving you any of the land of the Ammonites as your possession.  I have already given it to Lot’s descendants as their possession”

We see from these verses that Moab and the Ammonites were both descended from Lot, and God had given them their land because of this and they were safe. Moses would never have led his people war against them for God had forbidden it.

 Hence their fear was not war, but the consummation of the resources of the land.

Balaam had the dignitaries in his house.  This was the highest form of respect that he could have paid.  He really should not have had them in his house at all as they opposed Gods people.

1)      Balaam must have had a reputation for successfully cursing or blessing people or else Balak would never have sent for him. Balak sent influential people to persuade him.  In my view  Balaam liked to be courted by the powerful and influencial.  It made him feel important.
3)      Balaam  was a powerful sourcerer.   In my view he was a mercenary, just like soldiers can be hired for fighting, Balaam was a mercenary in the sense that his services were for hire.

4)      When Balaam first speaks to God in this story, he is told that he shall not curse Israel for they are blessed nor should he go with Balaak as recorded in Verse 12.

That was a crystal clear command “DO NOT GO WITH THEM”.

Balaam used the lords name, Yahweh and not the name of some other God or some general term for God.  It is like saying God, some influencial people have come and asked me to Curse your people,  is that OK with you?

God Clearly says that he is not to go for they are blessed.

 Balaam tells Balak that the lord has not given leave for him to go with him.  NOTE NOT GIVEN LEAVE.  He did not say “I will not go with you and that is the end of the matter” He left himself open to persuasion

Therefore Balak sent even more high ranking people people to persuade him and what did he say? He said stay here while I see what more more the lord will say to me. 


Balaam  already knew that the lord had commanded him not to go with Balak and the people of Israel were blessed.  Therefore that should have been the end of the matter. 

It seems to me that Balaam liked to be with people of power and influence and he liked money.

He tried to manipulate God in the same way that the pagan Gods could be manipulated.  He was manipulative in his answer by saying that he would see what more God had to say, and also in all the sacrifices that were made when he saw the people of Israel.

God then said that Balaam could go but speak only what he spoke.  ( Never the less God was angry with Balaam for going)

Balak sent his most important Dignitaries to persuade Balaam.  If the angel of the lord is the second person of the Godhead as I believe he was, then God sent his most awesome emissary to oppose him.
Balaam bows before him.  An angel would not require that.  An angel would have forbidden that as that was only for the lord.

The angel of the lord stood in the way of the ass ( Donkey) three times the animal turned aside and was beaten by Balaam.  On one occasion Balaams foot was crushed against a wall as the animal turned aside. 

One would have thought that Balaam at this point would reconsider, but he did not.  God in my view was giving Balaam three chances to do what was right.

This great caravan was on its way to Moab. The most important people were in it having persuaded this man whom they thought could persuade and control Gods looks like a fool because he cannot control his own donkey.

Finally God enabled the Donkey to speak.  I have never heard a donkey speak, but I think that if I did, that would definitely get my attention.

Balaam, the great sourcerer, the great seer, could not see the angel of the lord, but the Donkey did.  In fact god told him that the donkey had saved his life because if he had gone on he would have killed him but spared the donkey.

V34, Balaam acknowledges his sin and says he will return, however God tells him to go, but speak only what he is told.  Each time sever alters were built with oxen and rams to be sacrificed.  God did not tell Balaam to have alters built or have animals sacrificed. He only told him to speak.  I wonder if Balaam thought that God could be persuaded as he himself had been persuaded.  Perhaps the sacrafices would persuade God to let Balaam curse Israel. 

Sacrifices were made to God to cover sin, or to please the lord.

Balaam seems to obey the lord by only speaking what the lord spoke.  However for reasons that I am about to go into, I do not think he had a change of heart. This was all an outward appearance.  He still liked power and influence and money.

Let us look at  Numbers  31: 1-7

The LORD said to Moses, 2 "Take vengeance on the Midianites for the Israelites. After that, you will be gathered to your people." 3 So Moses said to the people, "Arm some of your men to go to war against the Midianites and to carry out the LORD's vengeance on them. 4 Send into battle a thousand men from each of the tribes of Israel." 5 So twelve thousand men armed for battle, a thousand from each tribe, were supplied from the clans of Israel. 6 Moses sent them into battle, a thousand from each tribe, along with Phinehas son of Eleazar, the priest, who took with him articles from the sanctuary and the trumpets for signaling. 7 They fought against Midian, as the LORD commanded Moses, and killed every man. 8 Among their victims were Evi, Rekem, Zur, Hur and Reba--the five kings of Midian. They also killed Balaam son of Beor with the sword.

I think Gods judgement fell upon Balaam in the manner of his death

Let us look at Micah 6:5

Balaam could only bless Israel

“ Oh my people, remember now that Balak, king of Moab consulted and what Balaam the son of Beor answered him from shittim unto Gilgal, that you may know the righteousness of the lord”

Balaams influence went well beyond his own lifetime

In Revelation 2:14,  John writing to the church at PERGAMOS,

He says that some of them hold to the doctrine of Balaam who taught the people to eat that which was forbidden, to sacrifice to Idols and to commit fornication”, and this was hundreds of years after Balaams lifetime yet john equates this with Balaam as going on with the church and it was shameful.

Peter also sights Balaam. In 2nd Peter 2: 14- 16

Peter says, “Having eyes full of adultery, and that cannot cease from sin, beguiling instable souls, an heart they have exercised with covetous practices, cursed children, which have forsaken the right way, and are gone astray, following the way of Balaam, the son of Bosor, who loved the wages of unrighteousness, but was rebuked for his iniquity The dumb ass speaking with man’s voice forbade the madness of the prophet.


1)      This should be a warning to us.  Our influence for good or ill, can go beyond our lifetime. We influence other people including the next generation, who in turn go on to influence other generations, and if we are not right with the lord and that which is wrong in us is passed on then we are to blame and the lord will hold us to account for it.

2)      Balak sought to flatter Balaam by saying, “Those whom you bless are bless and those whom you curse are cursed?”  Does that remind you of anything?
              It reminds me of how God said to Abraham, “I will bless those who bless you and curse those          who curse you”. 

         3) The truth was that God had blessed Israel and nobody could do anything about it. Not even Balaam

4) It is a terrible thing to be opposed to God and even if God does not bring his judgement    immediately, it does not follow that he will never judge.  Balaam was judged in the manner of his death.

5)      God is not a fool.  He is sovereign and cannot be manipulated by anyone.  His will is just and will prevail. It is we who are subject to his will, not the other way round

Friday 1 February 2013

the P house

Last night as I looked at the P house ( The bungalow) and there were no lights on, it seemed strange that after all the years I have been here, they are no longer there.  J has gone to be with the lord and C has gone to the barge.

it was just odd.  I have never seen the house in darkness before.