Wednesday 23 January 2013


I Wonder what lies ahead. I definetely see the lord in what happened and I am out of fusion.  I decided to go back to talking to S and F, more so with S.

I need to do a spot of reading of Packer


I am living in Narnia.  Aslan is coming, but I think he turned back this morning

Monday 21 January 2013

hope deferred

In passing someone refered to that passage that talks about hope deferred.  As I recall, it says "Hope deferred makether the heart sick, but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life.

I associate this with a particular area of my life though it can be applied to a variety of things.  Note the hope is only deferred.

Sunday 20 January 2013

premier inn

Today would have been the day I returned home if things had gone to plan.  Premier inn was mentioned on Church in refererence to fellowship and binding of feet etc etc, so I know I am on track and now I need to get on with what God has given me to do.

Saturday 19 January 2013

it would have been today

Today, would have been the day that I traveled to Keighley.  However, that door is firmly closed and I think the weather would have stopped me. 

Friday 18 January 2013

the cancelled Journey

I would have fueled up this evening for a long journey to yorkshire tomorrow, but it will never happen

Thursday 17 January 2013


sometimes in life we have options.  I had options this week, but through a series of miscommunications, I hurt a couple of people.

I the old testament there were sacrafices for unintentional sin. 

I can well understand why

Tuesday 8 January 2013

the funeral

the funeral was yesterday. I was a bit late for the cremation, but I was there.  At the church C spoke 4 times to give his wifes life story.  One could learn from it.  It was a life well lived and the the theme was "Safe in the arms of Jesus".  She spent all her adult life in mission.  Indeed I discoved a link between her sending church and a friend of mine.

People came from different parts of the country.  She was very well known for her christian work.  I did not know that as a young woman, she was arrested for bible smuggling?