Wednesday 18 August 2010

Why can I see things others do not. I am so angry

I am so angry today. Why has God not enabled others to see things I can? Today in a meeting in front of me, a person who aught to be old enough to know much more than he actually does told a young man that there are many spirit filled Roman Catholics. By spirit filled, he means happy clappy which when it comes to life and death means nothing and it dangerous. One can be happy clappy and utterly damned. I also think the roman catholic system is anti christ. They worship Mary, they follow the pope. It is not and never has been christian and in my experience roman catholics who get saved always leave it. If one can say they are a christian and are saved and yet remain in it, I think that something is very wrong.

Tuesday 17 August 2010

A family visit

On wednesday of last week, my brother Jim, his wife and son came to visit me. I showed them round the office. That seemed to make an impression. We went out for a meal. They had not been to see me for 13 years. I really enjoyed the visit. I asked the minister to ask Jim to tell the congregation what he saw when he was here. I think that hearing it from someone else may be good for me.