Friday 25 June 2010

Drip drip drip

I was reminded this morning that just like a branch in the vine, so I have to abide in christ. I am however also reminded of a drip drip drip effect of little things. In abiding in christ I have to be aware of the cumulative effect of little things that could get on top of me or distract me or do something stupid and rash so that I am not abiding in christ.

Monday 21 June 2010

Is It Worth It?

Is it worth it? I have often asked myself that question. However at devotions this morning, having told the story of the Witheralls, Kevin posed the question, "is HE worth it?" meaning the lord and as he has done everything for us so that we may be saved, the answer is yes.

Sunday 20 June 2010

A Glorious Day

Today is a gloriously warm day. I went to church, and then I went for a walk round the lake, took photos that will end up on facebook and on the way back to my flat I saw the conference centre guests hugging each other and saying goodbye and it occured to me, "I do not have to say goodbye, I live here." It was wonderfull. Truely God has provided for me.

Tuesday 8 June 2010

The jewish thing yet once more

I got a letter today from London. As usual, it contains a number of articles, but one of them in particular caught my eye. It is written by a family whom I met a few weeks ago very briefly. The woman says that she has a passion for reaching the Jewish people scattered throughout the world. I think it unusual for this particular person to have such a passion, but I am very glad she does and I expect she is now well placed to indulge that passion. For me, it is the jewish thing again.

Monday 7 June 2010

Why oh Why is advice not popular?

Why is it that some people do not like the idea of taking advice? At the weekend someone asked me for help in getting her brother into the country from South Africa for four months and wanted me to help. When I said that I had a friend who is an expert at visas, the contact was suddenly broken off. I suspected it would be, but she should know that I consider things and it would be foolish not to take advice. Perhaps in all this is Gods hand protecting me. I remain true to my principals that where advice from someone with a great deal of experience is freely available that advice should be sought and taken seriously.


Change is in the air and I need the lord all the more to meet my needs. At the time of writing this, i have no idea what that change will be, but I know it is coming and it is coming soon. I will know for sure at the end of the month.

Right now, I am doing my best to stay calm and not get ahead of myself, to cry out to the lord and trust in him for all my needs. Who knows what I may learn in this process.